Things I don't understand:
- "Zombie Zoo" by Tom Petty
- Why people send postcards instead of letters with pictures
- String theory
- The general consensus that burping is gross
- Flavored water
- Corn syrup
- Why the American flag is so ugly
- How CDs are made
- Staying together for the kids
- Money
- Mount Rushmore
- How birds have sex
- Belgium
- Pens that write upside down
- Kirsten
- Music theory
- How bees make honey
- Toe socks
- Left
- My best friend's exboyfriend.
- Dentistry
- 3-D animation
- Foot fetishes
- How people get brainwashed
- Why rain is so enjoyable
- Adobe Bridge
- Why I don't like capri pants
- Cute erasers that do anything but erase
- Mass Transit
- Those tacky ribbon bumper stickers