Aug 15, 2005 22:50
omg today was so much funn! 1st me and kate got droped off at dunkin donute go hang out with john dinki cuz he was bored. then he left us and we went to go meet up with EB! then me, EB and katelyn walked to ino's house- he was in the back fixing his scooter- then he asked if we wanted to go inside cause me and EB never been inside- so we did and we went up to his room and chilled up there 4 like an hour and a half.. we all just talking and shit- it was pretty funny-- then we went back downstairs in his back yard and me and him were playing foot ball (which im acaully getting pretty good at) then we walked to mcdonals.. but half way there ino found a lil trail place and was like lets go there- so i was like yay we r going on an adventure- so we started walking threw.. EB grabed onto my arm and we started to walk.. then there was a rock that said danger and welcome to gang land.. so we got scared so me and EB both grabed onto one of inos arms and we turned around and katelyn wasnt there- so i started walking ahead and i was like wtf. then we saw her and everything was okay- then we walked to mcdonals.. me and EB decided that no1 could see us eat b/c its just weird.. so we sat at a diff table then kate and ino- me and EB put all our fries to gether and there were like 10000000000 and we both looked at eachother and we were like r u kidding me- we cant finish these- then kates mom came to get us- we stoped by EB's house to get her bathing suit- i met her mom and dad and doggies.. then we went back to kates- went swimming.. omg it was hilarious- EB got really cold so she sat out to talk to me and all of a sudden ino picked her up and threw her into the pool with the towels and everything! every1 started laughing soo hard! then every1 got outta the pool and we went down stairs- and we were all just talking and shit and ino was like pull my finger to every1 and we were all like gross no! all of a sudden he farted so fucking loud that in like 5 seconds no1 was in the room- and we heard him laughing from all the way upstairs. then we all went back downstairs- ino was being mean to my love EB so i said if u say one more mean thing im gonna cut ur dick off. so he said something mean so kate went and got a knife- and it was really a butter knife but we were like chacing him around and it was funny as hell! then it looked like he was being raped so i was like okie dokie so i kinda stoped- and he liek flew EB across the room! then kates mom went to drive us all home- and she took me home 1st cause EB and ino wanted to see my house- then that was the end of my night- tomorrow i think im hanging out with EB and katelyn and maybe ino aagain- im not sure yet.. more later
dom- even tho ur prob mad at me right now 4 something that didnt even happen.. i still love u.. <33