New Scrapbook: concerns, issues, changes

May 03, 2012 02:15

Ways to backup your Scrapbook:
- custom bookmarklet by fiddlingfrog

The development is currently considered finished and developers are focusing on fixing bugs. However, the service will continue to expand. (markf here)

Explanation on why Scrapbook is being changed here.

It's 1GB for a Plus account, 2GB for a paid account or 10GB if you upgrade, & 15GB for a permanent account. There are no plans to change that. (astronewt here and here and here; markf here)
You can see the amount of space used here (astronewt here)

TAGS WILL BE COMING BACK. They will be moved over during the migration and will reappear in the interface later on (no timeline given, manu here)
[tag info up until now]No more tags (no info on whether they'll come back or not). People are very upset over this. Very. Upset. Hopefully someone from LJ Team will say something on this topic soon. Preferably "Yes, we're working on bringing tags back). So far manu only said here that it MIGHT be implemented in future versions.

Custom security (friends-only, friend groups etc) is not going away! However, images and galleries that currently have custom security levels will be set to private. This is due to old Scrapbook actually being a system separated from LJ itself. (markf here)

Albums and pictures within can have different security levels (album - private, images - open) (discussed here and confirmed by astronewt here)

You can move images around one by one (quick how-to here) and rename albums (quick how-to here) and links are not supposed to break (said by fiddlingfrog, who's not in LJ Team but is reliable enough source, here).

Voice posts are not stored in the Scrapbook itself but use the same space. They're not affected. (astronewt here)

Some people are erroneously getting Upload buttons visible in new Scrapbook when their images were not yet migrated. That results in confusing error messages referring to the lack of space. (astronewt here)

One image can't belong to more than one gallery. If you want image to be in more than one gallery, you have to upload it in every gallery manually. (astronewt here)
If your images existed in multiple galleries, it will be migrated only once (astronewt here)

No video uploads in the new Scrapbook: "Anyone with videos currently uploaded will get a notification sometime after the migration is complete that will tell them how they can download any videos they had in the old service." (astronewt here)

No sub-albums in the new Scrapbook (asked in several places and answered by manu here).
Existing sub-albums will be moved to the top level, not deleted (scolaro, who participated in beta-testing and is already migrated, here, not answered here). Some people appear to have their sub-albums deleted and this issue is under investigation ( here)

Upload is only Flash-based for now, HTML5 version is expected in the future (manu here)

If you have renamed your journal at some point, all links to images will probably continue to work until your old name is grabbed by someone else. (discussed here with astronewt

No drag-n-drop capability but might be added in the future (markf here)

Sorting of pictures and albums as well as ability to change the number of items displayed on one page will be added later on. (tritankista here)

Private albums are visible in the list of albums to a anonymous viewer, but they will work on it a bit later (manu here).

There supposed to be a log where you can see which pictures had security level changed. will there be a list of pictures that had security level set to private, will people have to change security levels manually ( here and here);

upd May 15th: another patch should be rolled out in a couple of days (manu here)
should be fixed now (tritankista here)
issue being investigated: links not being updated properly after migration, pictures missing from entries, journal designs etc. Upd: Fix is expected to come out today (3rd of May) (tritankista here)
If you have this problem please submit a support request with as much information as possible: which galleries are affected, any link examples etc. ( here and here and here and here and many others);

Questions without answers and unresolved issues:

- will be fixed in the next release: permanent account holders see a message saying that their rent time is out even though that's not true, their 15 Gb of images are actually fine. ( here);

- will be fixed in the future: no sorting within the galleries and of galleries ( here);

- how to make sure that everyone who is supposed to see pictures are still seeing them (reconcile existing SB friend groups with LJ friend groups, set SB:registered to friends-only, etc) ( here and here);

- will it be possible to change the design of new Scrapbook ( here and here and here and here);

- will the existing picture descriptions be copied during the migration ( here apparently answered here by busaikko who is not in LJ Team but participated in Beta);

- navigation troubles (arrows don't scroll through pictures) ( here and here).

Entry last updated on June 1st.

scrapbook, lj

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