Musing on unfinished writing

May 20, 2010 23:52

I lost a lot of old InuYasha and Avatar: The Last Airbender writings when I fried my laptop a couple years ago. But I just clicked through some of my doc folders and realized that the new laptop is beginning to resemble the back of my refrigerator, with the fanfic equivalents of a year old clove of garlic, a carton of unopened but expired sour cream, that Amish dandelion jam I never use except in tea but can't bear to throw out, bottles of soy and worcestershire sauce that (I hope) will never go bad. The half written fanfics include, but are not limited to:

- One longish Katara/Zuko A:TLA oneshot (funny and sweet), two or three Katara/Zuko drabbles (one bitter; two fluffy)

- Two AU Bleach oneshots based on scenes in the new anime opening that I want to finish for the current challenge at bleachness

- Drafts for a longish super sweet Hanataro/Harribel oneshot and comedy serial called "A Wedding in Hueco Mundo" (starring the entire cast and a naughty Yoruichi)

- Somewhere between eight and ten unfinished Gin/Ran Bleach drabbles and oneshots; one angsty UlquiHime oneshot; one Orihime/Ishida (what's the portmanteau for that one anyway?) drabble; one IchiHime outline; and lots of gen!fic ideas. I seem to finish ship!fic more often than gen!fic.

- One long Inuyasha/Rin oneshot that somehow survived the computer fritz. I think I'd emailed a draft to myself at one point, which is why it's still around. I need to finish this one; it's been 90% done for three years.

Among other things.

I have a notebook of chapter outlines for my old InuYasha sequel "Towards the Future" in my writing desk, too. I love plotting.

And then there's my Original!Fic novel which continues to remain unfinished.

my fanfic

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