Secrets & Lies [Gin/Ran one-shot drabble]

Sep 30, 2009 16:54

I hope it's clear exactly why Gin is so worried. Written for kaibasgirl at BA, prompt Blanch:

“Good evening, Captain Aizen! Good evening, Gin!”

Gin blanched.

“Looks like sixth seat officer Matsumoto has had too much to drink,” he said quickly, turning to his captain with a mirthful grin. “I’d better make certain she returns to her barracks without getting overly familiar with any nasty hollows.”

“Of course,” came the smooth reply and polite parting nod.

“Ichimaru,” Gin hissed, seizing her arm as soon as Aizen had turned the corner. He pulled her roughly down a corridor in the opposite direction. “In front of him, only Ichimaru.”

“Whatever,” she shrugged, taking another swig from her jug of sake. “So he discovers we have history together. Afraid you won’t get your promotion if Captain Aizen knows you grew up playing house with another Rukongai urchin?” she teased.

“This is important, Rangiku.” His fingers dug into her skin. She was surprised to hear real anger in his voice.

“Matsumoto,” she corrected moodily. “Stop! You’re hurting me!”

He instantly let go of her arm.

“Why? Why is it so important? For me? Or for you, Gin?” she demanded.

He stood there blinking.

“For both of us,” he finally answered. His face relaxed into the fox-like smirk she hated, the one where Gin seemed to be enjoying a joke that no one else understood. Rangiku shook her head.

“You are so weird sometimes.”


More Gin/Ran drabbles and oneshots may be found here.

x-posted to ginran and kurosaki_clinic

fandom: bleach, character: gin, character: rangiku, ship: ginran, my fanfic

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