BLEACH fanfic and a beta query

Aug 30, 2009 23:46

Is anybody willing to offer beta services for Bleach fic? Most of my stuff is short, between 400-1500 words. Alternatively, does anybody know of any comms for securing Bleach-reading betas?

I'd really like someone to give a once over to the second part of the comedy bit I posted the other day; the jokes are falling flat and sour in places.

Short (angsty) ficlet below. It feels autumnal for some reason [edit: Just gave my journal a Fall make over. Too brown?]. Maybe because I'm still stunned September is a day away.

Title: Reflections
Characters: Rangiku Matsumoto [implied Gin/Ran]
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 346

Insights came as swiftly and frequently as the hangovers in the weeks after Gin’s betrayal.

Hadn’t she suspected he was up to something? The question was posed more than once, with varying degree of delicacy.

They didn’t get it. Gin was always up to something. Rangiku had just assumed that there were limits.

Even now, if she hadn’t seen the gore in Central 46 with her own eyes, hadn’t witnessed the broken emotional wreck Gin left of his own lieutenant, she might still have trouble believing it.

The boy she had trusted with her first kiss, ticklish under his left knee, who had stolen rice and vegetables for her time after time and gone hungry while she ate, tilting his head to watch her-grinning? The man who planted persimmon trees in the courtyard of the Third Division and-just days before-had her clamping her hands over her mouth in mirth and horror as he reenacted Old Man Yamamoto’s weekly captains address using his private parts until tears ran down her face?

What an idiot.

Things started falling into place.

The ducklings she had stopped him from tormenting. Dried blood under his fingernails. The first boy she had dated at the Academy, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in an encounter with Hollows when Gin was in the Fifth Division. The lies. Oh, the lies. A century’s worth of petty sadism and stories of unnecessary cruelty that began to emerge from the Rukongai and circulate among the lower ranks. Some mornings Rangiku threw up at work, blaming it on the sake whether she had had any the night before or not.

Hitsugaya let it slide.

In the end, which was more frightening? That she was a little bit in love with a psychopath? Or that a psychopath might still be a little bit in love with her?

October turned to brown November.

One of us is going to die, she promised, tipping the jug as daylight faded, cooler and earlier than the day before. You're going to kill me, Gin, or I'm going to kill you.

More Gin/Ran drabbles and oneshots may be found here.

X-posted to ginran and kurosaki_clinic.

fandom: bleach, character: rangiku, ship: ginran, my fanfic

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