A tragedy. Greater than the works of Homer and Shakespeare. More catastrophic and disturbing than the holocaust. Mankind seduced into temptation… into disobedience… by that old tempter himself. It happened there. In the garden.
Spitting in the face of Love, they disobeyed…fell away from perfection and into enmity with their Creator and Father.
Their innocence lost, now every inclination ran to evil…even good deeds done with selfish pride.
Though eternally offended, the Almighty would not stop pursuing His beloved. He is a Jealous Lover, but they would worship and serve creation rather than Creator.
Peace was nowhere to be found. Some would strive to please God, they would work for holiness… sacrificing… but would never feel satisfied, and nor would God, until there was a better way.
The Protagonist. The Creator Himself enters into His own story of creation.
A man…like you and me…but without the sin. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin. He came to bring good news to the poor, bind up the broken, and give freedom to the captives.
He brought news that this tragedy would not end tragically. Hope that the whole world could know. Good that would triumph over evil and love that would prevail over the greatest hate.
He spoke of a kingdom and a new covenant… one inaugurated by His blood. Grace given to all who would repent and believe in the Way.
For claims of Deity he made, and for sins he did not commit, he was led like a sheep to the slaughter.
His life not taken, but freely laid down, he took on the furious wrath of God…in every lash and in each nail. He who knew no sin, became it.
Father forgive them He cried. He breathed His last. He finished the work. The veil was torn and forgiveness was born. 3 days.
The King was alive and now held the keys. The serpent bruised His heel but He crushed his puny head in one fatal blow.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess. His Kingdom is forever. His name is above all others. He will soon be returning.
Whoever will call Him Lord, will be saved. Whoever will by faith trust in His gift of love… whoever will choose to walk in His Way…. will receive it. Adoption. Salvation. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Freedom. Joy. Hope. Peace.
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me”
John 14:6