Theo: *practices with his sword to get used to his new size*
Arvedui: *watches with a calculating expression*
Theo: *getting the hang of it again very quickly*
Arvedui: *does not disturb, still calculating*
Theo: *starts playing around a bit*
Arvedui: *eyes with a weird look*
Theo: *stops* what?
Arvedui: What are you doing? o.O
Theo: ...stuff?
Arvedui: ....Right. *blank look*
Theo: *puts his sword down* You need anything?
Arvedui: No. I'm just watching.
Theo: ah. Enjoying yourself?
Arvedui: I don't think 'enjoying' is the word for it. More like 'assessing'.
Theo: and what have you 'assessed'?
Arvedui: That you would be better at this if you wouldn't play around after a few minutes of actual practice.
Theo: *cuffs him* Still better than you. I'm only doing it to work on my balance, anyway.
Arvedui: Ow. I'm just making an observation. ¬.¬
Theo: And I'm just giving my opinion of said observation.
Arvedui: *makes a non-comittal sound and opens a book he's been holding and starts reading, ignoring Theo*
Theo: heh. *goes back to practicing*
Arvedui: *mumbles things as he reads and moves his fingers in small mimicks of grander gestures, as if he's memorising words and movements*
Theo: *considers setting up a dummy to attack*
Arvedui: *still ignoring Theo, and then a nearby tree erupts into flames and he lookd up, wincing*
Theo: okay, I know I didn't do that.
Arvedui: *sheepish* Sorry about that. *pages through the book and mumbles a few more things and the fire disappears, leaving a somewhat charred tree*
Theo: do I have to take your toys away, young man?
Arvedui: *raises an eyebrow* I wouldn't recommend it, boy.
Theo: now you're just asking for me to ground you
Arvedui: You do not have the authority nor the right to do anything like that, adanneth[young man], while I am not only your elder in age but also your better in status. If any, it is you who should be grounded.
Theo: is everything a contest with you?
Arvedui: *single nod* It's genetic.
Theo: how sad.
Arvedui: It amuses me. >.>
Theo: *pats him on the head and goes off to fetch a practice dummy*
Arvedui: *eyes him, then returns to his book*
Theo: *lightly hits it a few times*
Arvedui: *ignores*
Theo: *doesn't appear to have the hang of it* >.>
Arvedui: *looks up with a bemused expression but stays silent*
Theo: *waits until he's sure Arvedui's looking* *swings the sword and shatters the dummy* ahem. Done now.
Arvedui: *not impressed but raises an eyebrow anyway* Nice blow.
Theo: All back to normal.
Arvedui: Good.
Theo: *wanders past and nabs Arvedui's book* What is this thing, anyway? *peers*
Arvedui: It is the only existing acount of the proper use of a palantir, as well as other objects of energy. It's very delicate, mind. >.>
Theo: *holds it more carefully* so why does it make trees go boom?
Arvedui: Chapter 6. 'Offensive Uses'.
Theo: possibly not the best thing for you to be learning.
Arvedui: Considering the fact that there is a vampire after my wife, dragons on my way home and who knows what else creeping about, I think it is the best thing for me to be learning.
Theo: Couldn't you just monitor whatever's coming and let me or Artamir get rid of it? I do remember you having trouble finding Vanthene so maybe you should work on that.
Arvedui: My 'trouble' with finding Vanthene is that there are about 60 women who fit her description who were seen moving away from the city. Besides, you and Artamir are not always around, and my skill with a sword is... lacking, as you seem to enjoy pointing out. ¬.¬
Theo: all the reason for you to work on being a warning system instead. *pats* And what can I say, it's what us 'lesser' people do to make ourselves feel better.
Arvedui: *frowns on that last bit* Not lesser.
Theo: oh?
Arvedui: Different, but equal. *level look*
Theo: ah, but you said you had higher status than me. Which would make it not exactly equal.
Arvedui: In terms of sovereignty, and in authority we are not equal. However, in other things we seem to be.
Theo: sovereignity?
Arvedui: *tries not to wince* Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state. Royal rank, authority, or power.
Theo: ah. Odd, I thought I was pretty much the same there too...
Arvedui: Not nowadays.
Theo: My line rules three countries, I lived out my time as king...
Arvedui: Technically, so did Helm, yet he took back the kingship. I am not saying your past deeds are not commendable, I am simply saying that right now, you are not as you used to be while I am.
Theo: I suppose.
Arvedui: ... *insert awkward silence*
Theo: I'm so horibly offended.
Arvedui: *quietly mumbles something about harsh truths* I am sorry.
Theo: thank goodness I come from a culture where I know I'm better as long as I can snap you like a twig.
Arvedui: *chuckles*
Theo: *sits and offers Arvedui his sword* have you been practicing?
Arvedui: *takes hesitantly* I have. Every day. >.>
Theo: really, now?
Arvedui: *nods* Aye. It's... I'm better at it now, but it's still not... *fumbles for words* ...good enough, I suppose.
Theo: improvement is improvement.
Arvedui: Yes, you're right. *hesitant nod* >.>
Theo: and you have a nice, long lifetime for me to bully you into more improvement.
Arvedui: *tiny wince and a distant look* Aye...
Theo: *pats Arvedui on the shoulder* And I can be more help like this.
Arvedui: *sobers* Oh? You mean you're actually worse like this? And I thought you were bad enough as a woman... *tiny bemused smile*
Theo: worse?
Arvedui: "and you have a nice, long lifetime for me to bully you into more improvement." *raised eyebrow*
Theo: ahh. You mean worse as in focused.
Arvedui: Focused, yes.
Theo: yeah. You're doomed.
Arvedui: *mock drama* Eru preserve me! Is there anything I can do to escape this doom?
Theo: become really, really good overnight.
Arvedui: I shall do my best. *bow*
Theo: Now stop doing magic tricks and get to work.
Arvedui: Fine, fine. *gets up and practices with Theo's sword, showing some very good improvement*
Theo: *leans back to see how long he lasts with the heavy sword*
Arvedui: *if this had been a true battle, he would have tired himself out by the 8th man. For someone who is supposed to be able to last a full day and probably a night as well at this, it isn't good at all - but for someone who could barely lift the damn sword, it's a good improvement that would probably allow him to be victorious over a single enemy quickly with this weapon*
Theo: *shakes his head, slightly disappointed and keeps watching*
Arvedui: *still has good moves. It's obvious though that with a lighter sword this whole thing would be vastly different*
Theo: *doesn't care about how he'd be with a lighter sword, wants him to be near-perfect on that one*
Arvedui: *is trying very very hard*
Theo: *knows, just isn't going to give him any slack*
Arvedui: *pauses, panting heavily, to take off his shirt and then continues, the effort showing*
Theo: *debates letting him take a break*
Arvedui: *suddenly stops and kneels with a hand at his throat. The heavy panting has stopped, but no other breathing sound has replaced it. Keels over*
Theo: ...o.o *darts over*
Arvedui: *is not breathing. Has a weird kind of asthma because his mun is evil >.<*
Theo: o.o *first aid-y things*
Arvedui: *his lungs resume their proper role in life and he wakes - to find Theo in the process of a mouth-to-mouth first aid-y thing* o.o ... *faints*
Theo: *picks Arvedui up carefully and carries him up to his room*
Arvedui: x_x
Theo: *puts him in bed*
Arvedui: *wakes up* o.O What heppened? ...Why am I here?
Theo: You stopped breathing and fell over.
Arvedui: >.< Dammit, that hasn't happened in a decade.
Theo: Mm. So it's happened before.
Arvedui: *sighs* I told you before that practicing didn't help before. This always happens sooner or later. *sullen*
Theo: well. I guess it's back to magic tricks for you, then.
Arvedui: *another sigh is the only response*
Theo: no more sword for you. >.>
Arvedui: I can still keep my own sword. *sad*
Theo: I guess.
Arvedui: *sad silence*
Theo: You could have told me this.
Arvedui: I didn't think it would happen again.
Theo: mhmm.
Arvedui: Even the Healers didn't know what it is. They chalked it up to me being sensitive to the 'evil magic' and it weakening me or something. ¬.¬
Theo: probably just a lung problem. And a good reason for you to stop.
Arvedui: Of course it's a lung problem. Only, no one knows which one. *sulk*
Theo: No, I just meant nothing to do with magic.
Arvedui: *sighs* I'm sorry.
Theo: mmm. I think Jade's getting sick of stamping forms.
Arvedui: I do not plan on piling more work on her, if that is what you mean. >.>
Theo: Right. Anyway, as I said. No more practice for you. Done.
Arvedui: Fine. *sad*
Theo: *annoyed*
Arvedui: What? ¬.¬
Theo: you should have told me. Instead of finding out like that.
Arvedui: I'm sorry, all right? It isn't something I like admiting. ¬.¬
Theo: *eyes him*
Arvedui: *eyes back*
Theo: *doesn't look away*
Arvedui: *doesn't look away either*
Theo: any other ailments I should know about?
Arvedui: *half glare* Just that.
Theo: oh good.
Arvedui: *tries to get up, gets dizzy, lies back down* >.<
Theo: *annoyed, goes to get him water and such*
Arvedui: *is more annoyed* >.<
Theo: *drags up a healer to check on him too*
Arvedui: *suffers the Healer's ministrations, but again the Healer is a bit confused as to what this might be. It isn't really asthma, because his breathing sounds fine - no wheezing or whatnot. Is told to rest and not do whatever he did again* ¬.¬
Theo: *sits on a chair and mutters*
Arvedui: *drags himself to a sitting position and mutters as well*
Theo: you're not allowed to scare me like that.
Arvedui: ...*blinks, then looks at Theo with a pondering look* I'll... I'll try not to, in the future, I promise. *honest* *isn't used to these sort of statements from anyone other than Firi*
Theo: good
Arvedui: *quietly* Thank you.
Theo: *fetches Arvedui's palantir and hands it over*
Theo: I should probably go find your book
Arvedui: *takes* Thank you. It's all right... You don't have to bother. *very grateful*
Theo: it looks like it's going to rain, Arvedui
Arvedui: Oh. Then yes, um... If you don't mind, that is. >.> *not really sure how to handle this 'caring Theo' thing*
Theo: *darts off*
Arvedui: *stays where he is - it's not like he can actually get up - and thinks about this new Theo-ness*
Theo: *returns, book in hand and slightly damp*
Arvedui: *softly* Thank you... You should probably change to dry clothes. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold or something.
Theo: how would I catch a cold?
Arvedui: ...I woulnd't know, but if you got pregnant, who knows what might happen >.> *is just worrying for Theo, is all*
Theo: god, don't bring back my trauma.
Arvedui: Sorry. >.<
Theo: *twiiiiiitch*
Arvedui: >.< I won't mention it again.
Theo: So. I have no idea what I'm going to be if I marry Artamir and he intends to be part of Hygd's raising.
Arvedui: ...Yourself?
Theo: I'm always myself.
Arvedui: Then I don't see how this will have to change if you marry Artamir and help raise Hygd.
Theo: I meant terms
Arvedui: *ponders* You'll be his consort, or he'll be yours. It doesn't really matter.
Theo: so not an uncle? *focuses on the roof*
Arvedui: Legally, no. However, you may call yourself whatever you wish. >.>
Theo: mm. Consort sounds weird.
Arvedui: It's the only thing I can think of where the actual sex of the person in question is not directly mentioned.
Theo: hmm
Arvedui: Hmm?
Theo: pondering things. That's all.
Arvedui: All right.
Theo: *examines his hand*
Arvedui: *coughs and busies himself at checking his book for dampness*
Theo: *fascinated by his own hand*
Arvedui: *looks at Theo for a few more moments* You know, it won't run off if you stop looking at it.
Theo: I missed it.
Arvedui: Oh. *understands*
Theo: *wraps the fingers around his wrist* nice, useful hand
Arvedui: *nods* A good hand.
Theo: strong one. Pity Frealaf's dead. This might be a nice chance for revenge
Arvedui: If he ever returns, I'm sure he'll regeret it.
Theo: my plan, yes.