Sep 29, 2010 13:48
I have a biiiig problem.
...Okay, not physically big, but. So, we're gonna get flooded, and we need to pair up to get into the boats...
Well, I paired off Iznagi and Lassie, since they're both technically my pets, and I paired off 14 of the 15 puppies...but...
...I couldn't find a boat buddy for Little just worked out like that, since there's an odd number of puppies.
So, I need a big favor. Would somebody here take Little Sam as their partner? I don't know the exact criteria for pairing up, could go as 2 Sam's, 2 kids, 2...fuzzy adorable creatures, anything like that!
Please...I just need to make sure that he and the other kids are safe. If anything happened to them...
Whoever helps me keep Little Sam safe along with his brothers and sisters and mom and...uncle sheep thing...I'd owe them big time. Seriously, I would be in your debt.
Oh, I guess I need somebody to pair up with too. Huh. Forgot about that part.
noah and the ark,
rain rain go away,
not prepared,
papa hanna,
prelude to curse,
partner up,
iznagi the lamb,
little sam,
hanna can't do much of anything,
city wide curse