OOC: More Thoughts on Clay, Post Comics Reading

May 06, 2010 08:00

So, I finally got my hands on The Losers comics and here are my thoughts after reading them:

Besides the whole smoking and swearing a hell of a lot more in the comics, Clay seems pretty much the same from comics to movie. He’s perhaps a little more authoritarian, but he’s still essentially Clay.

What does this mean for my Clay? Well, not a whole hell of a lot because they’re essentially the same character.

A guy who sees the world in black and white, right and wrong, good and evil. He wants to be a good guy but this hunt for Max might push him towards really bad things. His identity as a colonel no longer defines him and he’s trying to get that back as well as get back the lives and good names of his men. He will do anything to get Max and get revenge.

They don’t touch on Clay’s past in the comics, at least not his past before The Losers and The Pass. I sort of figure he didn’t have a great childhood, abusive, alcoholic father, diminutive mother. He got knocked around when he tried to protect his mom and it instilled in him a deep sense of justice. Around eighteen years old, dad snaps and kills mom in a domestic dispute. Dad goes to prison, Clay joins the Army because hey nowhere else to go.

In the Army he finds a family and more importantly an identity. He feels like he’s doing good in the world, but sometimes he doesn’t do well with military structure. His record is not spotless, but he’s good at what he does, a smart soldier and has leadership skills. He works his way up to colonel and then he’s offered a special unit of black ops soldiers to lead, misfits like himself. He says yes, they call themselves the Losers and the rest is history.

And now, comic spoilers!

While it’s a big fireball and long fall to the water, this is comics land and people have survived worse. Maybe tone down the fire a little, leave the same fall and have Clay pull a Bourne; meaning he gets amnesia and either gets found by a fishing boat or washes up on shore somewhere. He’ll be burned in a few places, half-dead from drowning and rushed to a hospital where he’ll wake up with a very fuzzy memory.

I don’t think it’ll be a deep amnesia like with Bourne, things will come back pretty quickly since he just got knocked around, not had his brain scrambled by the government. Still, until he remembers he’ll be a big target for the CIA, Max the 2nd if we don’t kill him with Max the 1st and all the enemies he’s made for the years.

Eh, we’ll figure it out.

Mostly, I wanted to get these thoughts down while they were still bouncing around in my head. Enjoy them.

[character notes], [ooc]

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