[OOC] Off to Dragon*Con

Aug 29, 2012 21:40

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know I'm heading off to Dragon*Con tomorrow and won't be back til late Monday/Tuesday. Will probably have 'net off and on, but don't know how much I'll be able to hit tags because, well...Dragon*Con. :-D! There are photo ops with Joseph Morgan (Klaus) and lots of costumes and me running around trying to find friends who are scattered between idek how many hotels.

I'll try and still run things through once a day, at least.

Thanks for the patience the last couple of weeks/month with my traveling and exams and stuff. I should be back and figuring out a schedule with new semester next week, and then, y'know. Here.

(Since I think everyone I play with has this journal friended, this goes for, everyone else, not just Elijah, clearly: powerof_fire, prodigalsavior, changehistory, thepainted_lady...I think that's all in threads outside of hearts_andminds and new_salem, atm, so yes. :-D

what: mun speaking now

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