Dec 28, 2005 23:55
i honestly don't think he hears himself when he talks. yeah, i'm 17 . yeah, i do fucking live here . i also am a lot more mature then every other 17 year old i know . i don't fucking do anything wrong, ever . when i say i'm going to someone's house to hang out i mean it . we really do fucking watch movies and play board games all day . i'm the most innocent kid ever . I SMOKE CIGARETTES . oh shit, watch out . he doesn't even know about that . i understand where he's coming from , you know , he is a father and he has a right to worry about his daughter . but what people don't understand is what he says to me when no one is around . he is the BIGGEST FUCKING HYPOCRITE i will ever know . he's the one that is always out "buying t-shirts" and going to all these shady "downtown" places and not coming home till 3 am . he's the one who smokes so much pot he could open his own fucking store . yet he makes me come home, where i sit in my room and listen to him downstairs and i can smell the fucking pot coming through the vents . i had lindsey and danielle over to dinner today because he said he never gets to talk to any of my friends . i came home at 7 last night and sat in my room for 25 hours while he was out . i fucking do everything he tells me to . i know that some shit happened a few months ago and now he doesn't trust me, but he has no right to compare me to my brother . go get me drug tested right now . please, goto my school, talk to my teachers. find out my grades . see how i've been accepted to MSU and i've kept a good job for over a year . please, tell me what i'm doing wrong . tell me why i can't goto my friend's house and watch movies all night . i really cannot handle living here much longer .
good job livejournal for listening to me rant .