New Years Resolutions

Dec 31, 2009 13:18

So I found the following resolution's from last year's LJ Post.  Thought it might be helpful to do a status report.

1) Move to NY


2) Have a musical project developed or workshopped at two or more venues

Had a show developed at Millikin U. and a significant showcase.  Not quite what I'd aimed for, but not bad.

3) Write two new original musicals by year's end

TRAILS is written.  JAWBREAKER is half written. PUMP is half-written, and I've also worked on several other projects.

4) Land a musical writing job that pays

Got hired, albeit briefly, to write lyrics for a musical, and got paid to do it. So yes.  Also currently working on another paid project.

5) Find more male friends

Not so much.

6) Go on an average of one date per month or,
7) Have a non-platonic relationship with at least three different women or,
8) Have one relationship last longer than six months.

This has been the tricky one. I've been on a few first dates, but nothing of consequence.

9) Spend more time with Raia and Judah (the niece and nephew)


10) Spend more time with the rest of my family

Living with mom and dad since February, so yeah, a lot of this.

11) Discover a means of earning a living that I actually enjoy

I was able to survive this past year on the short-lived well paid writing job, but I still need to explore options for down the line.

12) Be mentioned in or at least 4 times


13) Be diligent in managing my time and appetite to combat the ADD

Not so much.

14) Have face to face contact with at least five different people each week

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

15) Find three new interests/hobbies to pursue that are not related to theatre/music or the computer


So the verdict.  Professionally I feel that I've made progress and met goals.  Personally, still a lot to work on.

So here are the resolutions for 2010

1.  FIND BALANCE-  For the past year or two, I've allowed my mental focus to be on the writing of the musicals.  This is good and needed to happen, but its been at the cost of my general sense of well-being. So I resolve to fill my life with more things and more people.

2.  GET OUT MORE-  I have a bad habit of isolating myself from the world. It's a weird dynamic because I find myself feeling lonely, and then becoming unable to enjoy myself when I'm with company.  I know this is a function of my being an introvert, but this has gone beyond the simple need for personal space.  It also connects to...

3. FIND PATIENCE AND CALM-  I find myself becoming increasingly short tempered and irritable.  Given that I used to bottle my anger and turn it into self-abuse, this could be a good thing, but I live in constant fear of hurting the feelings of others, and not being able to truly hear what they are saying.

4. FIND A SPIRITUAL CENTER- In recent weeks and months I've had a hard time finding joy, finding happiness with my life.  I feel like I need to embrace something outside of the intellectual. I'm not sure where to look.  I find Judaism to be very self-important and hierarchical, and most new-agey, touchy-feely churches are like a warm hug from a stranger, comforting, but empty of meaning.  I'm not joining Scientology, but I admit I'd like to find some kind of system of thought that challenges and allows joy at the same time.  Maybe Zen?

5.  TRAVEL- I want to go to Ireland. I don't know why, I just do.  I want to see Europe.  I want to walk in the woods.  I want to see and serve my planet.  I imagine doing these things, but I lack the will to action.

6. FIND COMPANIONS- I need to find fellow wandering souls to travel with.  I spend so much time like The Doctor.  In flux. I need to find companions that I can rely on, and who I feel I can give something to in return.

7.  LOSE WEIGHT-  This is a regular resolution, and I do.  But I feel that diet and exercise are empty gestures without the above. Though I'm sure eating better will help with the above.

new years resolutions

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