(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 23:43

Double Bind (n) - a communicative situation where a person receives different or contradictory messages. The term was coined by the anthropologist Gregory Bateson, and was an attempt to explain the cause of schizophrenia from an anti-biologist perspective.

We learned that in my Communication Process class a while ago.
The example our professor offered us was that of a mother and child.
The mother told the child, "I love you" constantly, yet neglected him all the time.
This lead the child to be confused; does she love me or not?
It lead to schizophrenia.

The reason why I'm posting all this?
I feel like I'm in a double bind in Pittsburgh.
I feel as though all of friends act kind and nice to my face, yet talk shit about me behind my back.
I know they are capable of doing this because I have seen them (and done it with them, I won't lie) do it to someone else.
It annoys me so much because I want to believe what they say, but I just can't.
Some of you asked me why I had "I have no real friends" in my AIM profile; that's why.
I may not be Chris Hughes' friend anymore, but he was a good friend; he let me know he didn't like me to my face and that was that.

On a brighter note, Diversity Week and Jesus Week are coming up!
I can't wait for people to see the flyers Sheila and I designed.
I hope to go to a few of the Jesus Week activities as well, especially the coffee shop event.

I saw him four times today. Four.
Well, I thought I did, obviously there's no way it could be him.
Not on campus, at least.
Why is he haunting me?
Must be schizophrenia... haha.

So my sister's divorce is official as of today!
So ends an 11 year relationship, but Amen.
Now she can live free without that douche holding her back.
That's all he was is: trash.
Hopefully I can go home sometime soon and see her and the rest of my family.

Okay, I need to get to bed; have to be awake bright and early.
Everyone needs to check out my new facebook picture. w00t.
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