[I don't usually do this but then I don't normally join other rpgs. A couple of my friends have started one over on greatestjournal and I'd really like to watch it fly, which is why I'm leaving this available for public viewing. I feel like we have some great writers here and you could bring a lot to the community. There's tons of characters available and it's your chance to play someone that you might never have had a chance to play before now.
Here is the link to apply at:
http://www.greatestjournal.com/users/harassed_mod/ There are a few on hold so check out who is being held before you create a journal. They aren't hard on accepting people. Take a chance, you might like it there. This is in no way trying to get anyone to leave mbp -- obviously. I'm staying but it's just another place that I have high hopes for that I'd like to invite some of you to come along and check out for a second place to play.
Thank you, we hope to see you there. :)]