Glee FanFic Recommendations

May 01, 2013 23:58

Here are some Glee fanfics that I love so much, I want to share the news in case you haven’t seen them already. I read these again and again, marveling at the authors’ abilities to create an amazing alternate universe with the characters I love. They all evoke so many deep emotions, as well. Just amazing. I hope you read these and enjoy them - if you haven’t already discovered them on your own.

Tip/Tilt by Rainjoyswriting
This is a Kurt/Blaine fic where Blaine meets Kurt at sectionals and asks him to coffee. Kurt is in a terrible place - Burt has died and Kurt is having a hard time going on himself. He finds a way to cope - by having lots of sex with strangers. As Blaine gets to know him better, we find more and more levels to the depth of his hurt and some other twisted things going on in his life. Blaine just wants to help. This was supposed to be a bad-boy Kurt story, but the author found that this is as close as she could get with Kurt’s canon character. I love this story. I always feel like I’m so in Blaine’s head when he is telling what is going on, that I feel the feelings that he has myself.

Weightless/Weight of the World by Bellinaball
There are a few stories in this verse. It has some sort-of Blaine/Kurt which is noncon. There also is some Finn/Kurt within the series and some Kurt/OCs. The world-building in this story is breathtaking. It is a wing fic. Kurt grows wings and has to be taken away from his family and sold as a sex slave. But the story is so much more than that. It really explores what happens when one family is trying to change the views of the world about whether or not winged beings are still people and still have rights.

Make Believe by Kurtoffskinator
This one is unfinished, but I love the story so much that I recommend reading it anyway. Even if you get to the current ending and wish so much for more, like I do, it is still well work the effort. This is Karofsky/Kurt. Shortly after the kiss and continued torture of Kurt, Karofsky decides that if Kurt would just see how he can be as a boyfriend, maybe things would work out between them. So he makes a deal with Kurt to stop the bullying of him and his friends if Kurt will pretend to be his boyfriend for a few hours a week - in secret, of course. They negotiate a very complicated deal, which promptly goes haywire. However, the way it goes haywire is very subtle. It has a slow build of greater and greater levels of angst. You get one scene from mostly one character’s point of view and then a line or two from the other that is like a punch in the gut, and then it switches. There is a lot of misunderstanding going on, and the physical relationship is very dubcon. Amazingly enough, it is all very believable. I can totally see this happening in real life or on the show and it is completely in character for both of them. There are some really fun Kurt/Blaine interactions, too. The author seems to disappear for 6-7 months and then show up with a new chapter, so I am hoping that will happen again.

Until My Dying Breath by EmilianaDarling
This is a masterful horror/sort of love story with Kurt as a vampire and Blaine as his victim. There is a lot of cat and mouse and Kurt does some completely disturbing and sadistic things to Blaine (most of them psychological). He is all about blood and death and sex. It seems very realistic within a vampire story to have the vampire actually act evil. However that seems so rare in vampire fics post-Twilight. It’s quite scary, but also a very good read.

My Body Betrays Me by EmilianaDarling
This one has Kurt, Karofsky and Blaine all at Dalton. Kurt and Karofsky are roommates and Karofsky soon learns that Kurt has a curse that makes him obey all commands. Karofsky, who is in love - or at least in lust - with Kurt, uses this to control him and make him a living sex toy. Kurt actually likes Blaine and is trying to hide his relationship with Blaine from the jealous Karofsky. This is very well-written and has a very engaging plot. Also, I think the comfort part of the hurt/comfort is very realistic. All of the characters are very nuanced, so it hard to completely hate even Karofsky.

All the Other Ghosts by rainjoyswriting
This is an incredible superheroes Kurt/Blaine story written with such an amazing, melancholy mood. There is a deep characterization, especially of Kurt, who has had a haunting past that affects his personality, his relationships and his superhero persona. The superpowers themselves are quite fascinating and different that what you might typically read in a story or watch in a movie. There is some great action, great angst, and a lovely story between Kurt and Blaine. In addition, there is some great meta about fandoms. The superheroes in the world the author creates have fandoms who blog and write fanfic. In addition to the story of the main characters, there are stories of the fandom written entirely in the style of the kind of comments you might read on Livejournal community sights for Glee. Overall this is an amazing story.

Images of Broken Light by Miggy
This is a Finn/Kurt story where the two boys are kidnapped from their home in Lima and forced to have sex with each other while webcams broadcast the action across the country. There is definitely sex in here, but most of the story is angst, very true to the characters, and some really interesting methods the kidnappers use to get Kurt and Finn to do what they want. There also is a lot of great bonding between Kurt and Finn and some really epic brotherly moments as they realize that clinging to each other is the only way to get through the horror. It's also a meta commentary on the kink and angst memes.

To Whom it May Concern by beautifulwhatsyourhurry
This is an abuser Kurt with abused Blaine fic written in Blaine's point of view after his death. Not giving anything away there, the first sentence or two of the fic talks about how he's dead. It is very sad, but it is also realistic because it starts off so subtle - the emotional abuse and manipulation - that it is almost hard to catch it. Then it goes way downhill way fast. It can be a bit hard to take, but at the same time, the author does something really cool that makes things seem a bit better in the end. But this is definitely one that after reading it, I spent a long time in thought before I could move on to the next thing.

This Could Work by imadeafriendtoday
This is a Sebastian/Kurt bodyswap (a real one, not like my story the Perfect Host) where Sebastian uses being in Kurt's body to sleep with Blaine and Kurt in Seb's body does everything he can to try to foil that plan. Ends up okay for everyone. It is well written and has a good plot progression. Plus I’m a sucker for body swap fics, especially if they are done right.

Lover's Tale by nikkithedead
This is a pretty twisted one. Finn and Kurt are living together as stepbrothers after Burt and Carole get married. Finn ends up raping Kurt and using him brutally repeatedly over a long period of time. There is a very brief, but incredibly disturbing poem by Kurt that plays a role in the fic that I would like to call out for a rec of its own. Those words haunt me still. There are a good 8-10 chapters that deal with the rapid progression of the rape and physical brutality up until things switch to a recovery/comfort mode. It’s pretty chilling. Especially how Kurt ends up accepting it pretty easily as his fate. The recovery side is pretty realistic and slow-going, too. Blaine is in the story too and really helps Kurt with his recovery process.

Collateral Damage by anxiousquirrel
This story achieves the amazing feat of layering escalating levels of dubcon between Kurt and Blaine while keeping both characters mostly blameless for it. Yes, you want to shake these two and try to force them to talk, but it is amazing how they both misunderstand each other for so long. Also, the sex is quite steamy and Kurt surprises as what has to be the most experienced-acting inexperienced lover - and it’s all done so believably.

One in Four by swinggirlatheart
This is an epically long story in which Kurt suffers from dissociative identity disorder. He has been making it by with only his immediate family members knowing about it until he is in high school, dating Blaine, and suddenly the alters start controlling him more and more until he can no longer hide it. This gets pretty tough to read because most of the alters are not particularly kind to Kurt. It takes you on quite a journey, though, and has what I found to be a satisfying and believable ending, though I wouldn’t call it happy by any means.

Roses in December by ckofshadows
This story features Kurt and Blaine in a fit where Blaine is beaten so badly he loses several years of his memory. His parents try to protect him by editing the version they give him of his life, but he knows he once had a boyfriend because of the roses hidden in his closet. Looking for a decent coffee shop, he is compelled to drive all the way to Lima, where he meets Kurt. The story starts out as a simple-seeming love story with an added layer of angst because Blaine feels he is competing with the person he once was but doesn’t remember. However, it soon turns into a bit of a mystery thriller when the quest begins to find out who attacked Blaine and who might want to cause him harm again. As of July 2013, this one is still a work in progress.

glee; fanfic; fic recs

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