Title: Christmas Ribbons
Series: On the Threshold of Christmas
Author: Manniness
Rating: M (for reference to sexual situations of the solo variety)
Summary: Tarrant hears the words he’d only ever entertained in his dreams.
Notes: Christmas Ribbons was written for the
aiw_advent 2010
“Tarrant... Tarrant...”
The sound of his name, whispered in Alice’s
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Comments 11
And she was so darned Muchy to sleep in the doorway. That is SO Alice! And Tarrant took on her Curiosity and his own Hope and just had to see if she was still there. How could he have doubted?
The Holly is just so lovely and yes, it's a cute little bugbear, isn't it? Can't wait until it rests in her hair properly! Of course it will have to see China first. :)
Thank you for this lovely Christmas story that made my night. :)
It's certainly got me feeling quite cheerful this holiday season. And possibly about to hang some holly over a door somewhere in the house. You know. Just in case. ;)
And holly is Highly Useful. (^__~)
So... when are we getting more YIP installments?? *poke poke*
I love how we get to see Alice's dream and her muchy muchness (Dude, Tarrant doesn't stand a chance...I hope he doesn't have a wild night out with Chess because Alice WILL find out with her Power of Asking Questions!)
ROFL, love the line about the clock that had been bullied into minding his manners by Mirana...epic!
The moment of understanding when Tarrant knows that Alice loves him and wants to be with him is great! He should know that Alice wouldn't want to be with some stuffy London dudes anyway (Mad Hatters are so much more fun!), LOL
Dude, I love the ribbon exchange. *is dead* It's so sweet, so sincere, so perfect!
Great job (like always)! :D :D
*does a happy dance*
And, OMG, a crazy night out on the town - just the Hatter and Chess... Underland quakes in fear. LOL!
Ohhh, muchy, muchy Alice. I quite like her in this fic. "And he has never been more aware of the fact that Alices are not only Muchy, but Stubborn once they set their mind to something. Someone." Aren't they though?
I quite like the whole thing. I actually read this entire thing with a sort of silly grin on my face thinking: 'This is really, really good.' And it is!
The concept of the dreams is very smart and I totally got that the dreamer was shaping the dream. It was wonderfully done.
Tarrant's musings on how he is not good enough for her and how she would have better adventures with someone else really struck a chord with me. How that feeling was at war with his more selfish impulses seemed spot on.
Well done, my dear. Here's to Alice fiction in the New Year. And yes, perhaps we will become a fandom with yearly traditions, hmm?
Heh, insecure!Tarrant without a penny to his name... yeah, I thought you could appreciate that. I just love how he knows that the world is Alice's oyster and yet she wants him, which means she wants him for himself - he has intrinsic value and she doesn't care one whit about what he can give her, which (in the town I live in) is not something that is common. (Loads of girls here want the big house, the nice car, the designer clothes, so they go to secretary school, get jobs in doctor's offices and at medical schools hoping to snag a doctor because they make big bucks and are almost never home. Sickening, isn't it?)
So, I love that Tarrant gives Alice himself, for really, he is the one thing she can't have just because she's a Champion, right? I don't know if I'm making sense, but whatever! (^__~)
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