Jan 21, 2005 17:01
its been awhile folks. i will be back in the ranks of regular posting for a few weeks while i have some time off. i finished working on another movie in december. it was amazingly fun. pics to post later.
boyfriend got back in town right as movie wrapped. we played siamese twins for the 3 weeks he was here, now he's gone again for awhile. his tour is coming to FL tomorrow & I am jumping aboard for about 5 days up to Atlanta. in atlanta I am going to stay with one of my favorite people, Beth, for a few days.
sooner or later i'll get the pics up. i've got about 3 weeks off in february as far as i can tell and im booked from the last week or so in Feb til april 3rd.
i'm down for some mischief for when i get home from atlanta.
oh and the biggest news: my hair is all normal colors!!! haha. still 3 different colors, but its way more subtle. ;)