Came across a face from school at Mass this morning- quite unexpectedly. A quick chinwag after mass, and an exchange of contact details before heading off to luncheon.
Frankly, I did not like many girls back at school. Perhaps if I was nicer, I would have had a nicer time. Haha, er, screw that.
Still. It was nice to meet someone from them earlier days, before growing up, having responsibilities, buying cars, finding income, establishing a career et cetera. So it got me thinking...
(BECAUSE I'M NOT SELF-INVOLVED ENOUGH ALREADY) Say there was a 'This is Your (Sad) Life" for Tam, the person I would like to meet most would be Ellen. The goofy Korean girl with a limp from a car accident she was involved in near the start of Kindergarten. She wore spectacles at the age of 5 and had a cousin named William. I wonder where she is now..
Or Evan, my first crush and first kiss. Forklift driver?
Or Mrs O'Donohough. 7 years ago, she sent her regards to me through a relative of mine (who I have also now stopped speaking to).
Or Julie Blanchard?? My first music teacher. I might go google her...
Do these people still exist..??
EDIT: My first music teacher composed s song for a Wednesday show for Playschool's 228th series "Opposites" called "Swim Like A Kid". Haha, and she's still selling her CDs. I have do believe
Gumboots & Flippers is still in posession somewhere. Other than that, it doesn't seem like she's teaching anymore, or composing as much as she used to. Ah... the bitter-sweetness of reminiscing