social life? who needs one!

Dec 04, 2009 17:42

Hello Everyone, long time no talk.

What is going on with me you probably haven't asked ? Well I've been working a lot. My job isn't particularly challenging, but there is more work to do than there is time, so it ends up being extremely stressful. I often work 12 hour days and 6 days a week.

As of yesterday I'm credit card debt free. Now, I must plan my financial future. It's a rather daunting task. I plan on looking for a new job come the new year, so hopefully that will help. My brother and sister-in-law knows a lot about financial planning and have loaned me some books. I'm going to ask if maybe I can sit down with them sometime soon and see what I can do to be more comfortable.

I've been cleaning a friends apartment occasionally for more than I make an hour at my actual job. Friend calls me sunshine cleaning and tells me I should do that for a living. I told him to go fuck himself, at least at his place I can refuse to do things, like clean cat vomit off the floor.

I wanted to go to a Blues Workshop this evening but I forgot to register, so I'm second on the waitlist of followers. I doubt they'll find two leads by this evening so I'm shit out of luck for something to do tonight. Lindsay and Ryan are helping her sister and brother in law move into their new place tomorrow so she is spending the night at her parents. Apart from them, I don't really hang out with anyone else anymore. My other two best friends live hours and hours away.

One of my coworkers who I get on with very well took me to see Hey! Rosetta because he got tickets through work, and he couldn't find anyone else to go with on a wednesday night. One of the opening bands, La Strada, was amazing. We stood front and center, because there was no one there, to begin with, but then it was because I was swooning and hysterically happy. I'm heartbroken that they are from Brooklyn, because they probably won't be here very often. On the drive home we found the CD to not as amazing as they were live, but I still like it. Hey! Rosetta (or wherever you put the !) was really good. Fucking annoying fans though. It was a win to get in concert with Live88.5 at their stupid ex-strip club now 'venue' bar. I don't know why, but aparently to dumb drunk univeristy girls, instrumental portions of songs means you are supposed to hoot and cheer until they sing again, so that you can't actually hear the fucking amazing music that is actually being played. I really wanted to punch them, Coworker really wanted me to punch them. We did not, but mocked them horribly instead.

Heather and I went to see the Good Lovelies at the Blacksheep in. We got to Wakefield at the same time as the band, so we ended up having two hours to kill. We did so in a very lovely little cafe that reminded me slightly of that rasputins bar that used to be on Bronson, but burned down. We then lined up for the show, and got a table right in front of the stage, off to one side, it was perfect. The girls thanked us later for sitting up at the front. I'm not entirely sure why, it may have something to do with the rest of the front row being older folks. This guy from Toronto named Andy Shephard (may have spelled his last name wrong) who was fantastic. He is an amazing guitar player, he does the looping affect so he can play by himself but still have a fuller sound. A few instrumental songs, and a few normal songs, really really great. The Good Lovelies were AMAZING. Heather may have swooned ... maybe. She maaay have stolen the poster from the bathroom. Maybe. We didn't know, but it was the first show of their christmas tour, so I ended up getting their christmas CD which I didn't know exsisted. They three of them are hysterical, some of the best banter I've ever heard. As musicians they can't do wrong in my book. Fabulous three part harmony, and great aray of instruments. They are always trading around who plays which instrument throughout the songs. Really fun night all around.

I'm done work now, and though I'm not in a rush to do anything, I want to go home. I will probably spend my evening cleaning my room and watching british television. Maybe even reading.

Cheerio my darlings.
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