04; Potions is where the teachers get real

Mar 03, 2011 23:23

Just a little heads up to all the students. The new rules Professor Crane and I are putting up are for your own safety, and I know they might seem a little harsh, but breaking them means you'd be looking at some serious consequences.

The incident around Valentine's Day is just one example of what can happen if you aren't more careful. The whole thing put the entire castle in danger, we wouldn't want a repeat of that.

We're all lucky no one was hurt, but the whole mess could've been avoided if you guys followed the rules. The student responsible is already serving detention, but on top of that 30 points were deducted from Slytherin.

So, to sum it up. Seriously, read the new rules and follow them. They're for your sake as much as ours.

crane made me do it, ta'ing it up, c; crane, shit be going down, c;eridan, i'm a ta :d, rules rules rules, c; tamaki, c; dean

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