Jun 03, 2007 02:39
Houze's B-day is coming up in a few days. Can you believe we're almost a year old? So much has happened and I feel like I've known alot of you forever. We may not always get along but I count you all as my friends.
So, friends, Houze members all. What do you want to do for the day houze officially started? (I'm counting the day the comm specifically opened not the day apps began to be accepted.)
We've already decided that there ABSOLUTELY HAS to be an old-school style houze-party...preferably in a chatroom as the old ones were.
A "make your favorite houze memory in paint" post was also suggested... and I plan on doing what I did for the half-year one and doing a "Remember When.." thread.... so Happy almost Birthday Ninjuh Houze~!