I can't believe that not only is it September, but it's already the third of September. I don't know at what point time seems to have started to accelerate, but it's definitely doing so. Though I love fall, I'm not mentally geared up yet for another long, cold winter, especially since this summer felt all too brief.
I did unofficially end summer on a wonderful note, which was up in Maine at Camprov. I have to hand it to
joeybonbon and her troupemates for putting together a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Despite the non-stop rain and cold of that Saturday, which was the day of all our primary workshops, it proved such an amazing weekend that I didn't want to leave Cabin Hardcore on Sunday afternoon. I think
raysimoto, who gave me a ride up to and back from Maine, said it best when she said upon arrival "I'm home." It didn't take long for that feeling to set in for me too. I'm still experiencing a bit of Camprov withdrawal, honestly.
Now, I'm trying to power through the next couple of weeks, which are themselves going to be crazy with improv tech work and trying to organize the tech requirements for the upcoming
Boston Improv Festival. I'm also getting my carpentry on this weekend by helping to install some soundproofing finally in that space, since one of the things that breaks that fourth wall the fastest is noise bleed from people in the hallway chatting. I have to say one thing for all the extra hours that I have been putting into the theatre, which is that I can actually see some tangible results for what I am doing, like fixing the lighting grid. It's a bit more rewarding than the more esoteric results of my regular job in systems administration.
What's really keeping me going right now is that in only a couple of weeks, Ben and I will be departing for our first real vacation together. In my head, I'm just imagining the complete bliss that I had from my last vacation in Africa. I'm just really excited to see friends in San Francisco first before departing for Paris, then the hiking in Luxembourg. That this trip falls during my birthday makes me so beyond happy that I don't think a mere adjective would describe it. And I have another upcoming trip on the horizon too to Melbourne to boot to visit
sofija_m. Life is freaking good right now.
Anyway, that's what's going on with me, LiveJournal. Sorry that I have been writing less in you.