Oct 30, 2005 01:33
tonight i am leigitamlealyately trashed an d how. for sure i am. got some beers poured on me by accident/ took a clensing shower. showered \aer [preyutyty nive nic r nicr miov micr nicr nice dom someth sometimes... i am the teoeeoeoeooeoeeoeo to ey yo toer y toed with drunking drunkinr drunkid ddr drunkinr drunkinesss! m es is finely drunken in the arts of alcohol.. i am a stronger force when is is trashed. becuz i is invuln veravle to punk ass bitches . fists in the air and suck shu ch such. ya know hwat i mean what i mne mran mean?
fuck dem bitches with whicth with whith how do u spell with? i forget forgot. fuyck em bitches with 45s and/or machine guns...its da truth ya know it ya know it. ya know it. i can spell tht tht that fu sid ed din fine... anyway s it is time for hte signature tell9ing of the grizzzzly bear i n the mountain range,,, i is peacing out ot he home ies and da bitxhches for rizzz ealll eeeel if ya dig. jimi hendrix ytold me to say hello and hey to Joe, where yoyu goiung with that fucking gun in yo hand. mexincx ol mexuc mexix mexico isn;t a fun place to go except if your affiliated wiht girls hgpkn gonme gone wild,. i love everything to much, ... ut but but but but buit butt... ass.... empathy is is never a fuvking fuvkin fuvking fuvkoi fu fucko fucking excuse....