different students' criteriahudebnikDecember 14 2010, 11:54:57 UTC
When I was in high school, my whole English class took the Meyers-Briggs personality test, and then (before we were given the results) went to a day-long workshop on them, along with a bunch of workers from an office in DC. The workshop leader divided the students into four groups, and the office workers into four groups, handed them pens and butcher paper, and then asked them to "list the qualities of a good teacher/boss
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Re: different students' criteriamankoeponymousDecember 14 2010, 13:13:35 UTC
Indeed, I'm pretty sure I know exactly which student posted the negative review of my organization - she was extremely linear by nature and often asked, "Why are we talking about this if it isn't going to be on the test?" while most of the class was enjoying exploring lateral topics. She was definitely someone who felt viscerally uncomfortable if things weren't going quite directly from A to B to C to D without detours or distractions. I suppose "Gifted" doesn't necessarily imply "creative" or even "mentally flexible," although those are symptoms
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