Nov 20, 2008 12:43
DOES MY CHARACTER DO ANYTHING WITH YOURS OFFSCREEN? WHY NOT? Comment here to see where our characters are crossing paths, and where they're meeting up offscreen. Let's see if we can figure something out.
Dee lives both in Cabin 10 and Canada; He'll switch between the places every two days or so. He spends most of his time around the mess hall or Canada, and depending on the weather, he'll sit outside Cabin 10 and talk to whoever passes by. He also hits up the shooting range more often these days, and has been wandering up to the football field and his shed full of sports stuff to clean stuff up.
Ikki lives in the Kogarasumaru treehouse. He is normally up between 9:30 and 10 am to do various A-T training out in the woods and around camp until late afternoon. After that, he'll dick around and pretty much is EVERYWHERE. Can also be found sleeping at the Cat's Eye, or on the Cat's Eye roof.
Lambo lives in the Mafia Cave! He spends most of his time playing around there. Should he happen to use the bazooka, Adult Lambo will wander closer to the main part of camp, usually the mess hall.
Mokona lives in the Cat's Eye! Like Ikki, she's all over the place, especially if it's a nice day. Likes to frequent the mess hall, the lake, and anyone's cabin who may or may not have small, tiny creatures for her to play with. Also, McVaria's.
Mieu lives in the dorms with Luke. He can usually be found around there or out with Luke, or should Mokona be feeling particularly mischievous that day, out with her.
Momotaros lives in the Denliner. When not taking over Ryoutarou's body, he can usually be found in the mess hall bitching about coffee, or around camp looking for something to fight.
Kenshin camps out near the laundry room. When not doing everyone's laundry, he can be found wandering the main parts of camp, mostly near the mess hall.
Goku lives in Ohno's cabin with Sanzo and Gojyo. He wakes up early with Sanzo, usually follows him to the mess hall for breakfast, then wanders around until lunch. If you're really trying to find him, he never misses a meal.
off-screen meme