work while u are at work..!!

Jun 20, 2005 19:27

Has been in industry for quite sometime now..and
think i can definetely vouch for the title (work while u are at work).
There are all kind of feelings we get about all kind of things...when
we dont have much work we say that we are gettin bored...when we have lot of work
we say that its tooo hectic,kind of work is not good,the facilities are not good ,
the management is partial towards few ppl, the companies outside are payin a lot
more salray and what not......and amidst all thisdo we devote ourselves fully to work ??
if u dont like the kinda work or whatever dont make a noise about it....just do it
to ur best until u are in it and quit silently into what u like.
BUT BUT make sure that u are working to ur best while u are at
will definetely feel proud of it one day and gain a lot which otherwise u are
definetely to miss.
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