caffeine and techno make life bearable

Oct 15, 2008 22:11

Life is so weird for me right now.  Allow me to give you a recap of my last couple days.

So I have this venus fly trap--or rather HAD--named Audrey after the Audrey II in "The Little Shop of Horrors."  Anyway, I put it on the heater so that it could get decent sunlight.  As far as I was concerned it was fine, even though I'm terrible with plants and Audrey was dying a slow and painful death.  But I liked that plant, dammit, and yesterday el roomie knocked it off the heater while opening the blinds.  Here is a basic reconstruction of the conversation following the incident.  My thoughts at the moment are indicated by *these*.

Me (annoyed): Did you knock over my plant?
Emily: You don't have to sound so angry.  I just knocked it over.
Me (getting up, still annoyed): Let me do that.  *are you retarded?  of course I'm angry.*
Emily: I'm not an invalid, I can do it.
Me (really annoyed now): It's my bloody plant.  *do you even fucking know what "invalid" means?*
Emily: Fine.  It was a dead piece of shit anyway.

She mauled Audrey pretty badly, so much so that I ended up having to throw it away.  And then she had the nerve to insult my freaking plant.  I had to leave a lot of the dirt too.  I think it's dry now, though, so I can borrow the vaccum cleaner tomorrow and clean it up properly.

Not long after that I fled to Josh's room to hide and watch more than two hours of Black Lagoon.  I didn't leave until about midnight when I decided that Puni Puni Poemi was rotting my brain and causing it to ooze out of my ears.

Today was the last day of my Business 100 class, which means that from now until the end of the semester I don't have class on mondays until 2pm, which is cool.  I even got to leave early because I had to walk down past the Hilton on Center to go to my Geology Lab.  Half the class didn't even bother showing up, which was fine.  It was pretty easy, on the whole, though I'm not looking forward to having to do the calculations later.  They look annoying. 
I decided to skip Microeconomics in favor of finally going to get the second round of my HPV vaccine and going home to do laundry.  I watched a lot of House and NCIS, which was fun, and ate dinner with Mum since I hadn't actually seen her in a while.  I also showed her the "Hey Sarah Palin" video.  Haha...random mother/daughter bonding moment.  It was kind of awkward.

Meh, anyway, came back to the dorms only to find that I couldn't open up our fucking door because Emily and Courtney had blocked the gap underneath it with towels.  Emily got all offended that I was annoyed about the towels and told me that I was "a big girl" and I could "use my words."  I want to choke that whore with her own pipe, I swear to god.  Things got even better when I was putting my laundry away and apparently ignored Courtney.

Emily: You can talk to my friend.
Me: I'm sorry, I wasn't actually paying attention.

Then she tried to have some sort of heart-to-heart by telling me that she didn't like living with tension.  My reply was that I wasn't comfortable talking to her until she spoken with Joe (the assistant residence director).  This is only partially true.  I really don't want to talk to her until she's had her conduct hearing, but it's because I'm afraid I'd tear her head off and feed it to her (how badly my hands were shaking after the conversation ended is a fairly good indication of how pissed off I was, I was in the middle on an adrenaline rush).  Even better, she was SUPPOSED to meet with Joe on monday, but because she never checks her mail she didn't get the letter.  She's being really bitchy about it too, making excuses and shit.  We're pretty much just completely ignoring the existence of the other...sort of.  I'm still making fun of her behind her back. 
I present to you a direct quote from not too long ago: "I'll probably smoke a bowl...I dunno, I'm eating cookies...I hid them from myself, but I found them. They're animal cookies."

I mean, really...she has no brain.


My schedule for the rest of this week is kinda crazy.

-go to rocky to buy tickets for musical
-hide from cropp and schlup

-meet Evan for lunch to discuss map
-math stuff (I should be done this week)

- 9AM Geology field trip to Lory state park
-get back, take a shower, drive down to Westminister to visit Christian
-drag Christian back to FoCo after dinner

-breakfast somewhere?  it all depends on whether or not Christian spent the night
-drive christian back to westminister
-be back to the dorms in time to get josh's keys so I can make sure he wakes up in time for the trainwreck
-sleep?  I have no class monday morning...

Wow, that's longer than I expected it to be.
Ah well.

Oh, and I've recently become addicted to an online radio station called "technobase," which is basically a constantly streaming channel of german techno.  It's HIGHLY entertaining, partially for the music, but mostly because the DJ's crack me up. 
It's also very good for tuning out Emily, since it can cover up just about anything if I wear headphones. 
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