[APP] sirenspull

Sep 12, 2011 00:36

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling unknownNetwork [UN] at 04:39 --

The level of funny this has reached is really un8elieva8le! If this is supposed to 8e some sort of punishment, you have a loooooooong way to go.
Look, I get it, okay? I deserve what's coming to me, 8lah, 8lah, 8lah. 8ut if you really wanted to get your point across, you could have at least given me something a little more dramatic to work with!
Ugh, I don't eve know who I'm t8lking to. Some amazing omniscient presence that's responsi8le for my inevita8le suffering? I don't know.
I thought death would 8e a little more interesting than this, to 8e honest. I'm disapp8inted!

Is anyone there? Ugh, I don't like t8lking to myself, you know! Even if you out there are pro8a8ly a shitty convers8tion partner.

Seriously, I'm tired of w8ing!

This is such a w8ste of time!

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling unknownNetwork [UN] at 04:47 --

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling unknownNetwork [UN] at 04:50 --

Okay, seriously.
What is this.
Are you w8tching me? Do you think that's scaaaaaaaary or something???????? Oh, I'm shaking in my 8oots!

Third Person Sample
The Siren's Port had tried to throw every curve-ball it could at her, but Vriska had hit each pitch right out of the park. She could handle beasts on Alternia, she could handle chat rooms in Canada. Earth was full of strange things, and humans had increasingly strange customs, she was coming to realize. But nothing compared to her current combatant, her most formidable foe yet. With her brow creased in concentration, Vriska stared down the enemy, all eight pupils narrowed and focused. It had been making some sort of grumbling battle cry earlier, but for the moment, it sat silent. Waiting.


At least that's what she figured it was doing. Clearly it had something against her. It had little red eyes, flashing at her, teasing, daring her not to finish what she had set out to do. But no, she would accomplish the mission placed before her and she would pass with flying colors, whatever that was supposed to mean. Except they would be more blue than anything else, because blue was clearly the best. All the other colors simply couldn't compare.

Raising her chin, Vriska stood to her full height. "Don't think you've won just yet!" She flipped a lock of hair over her shoulder and scoffed. Really, she had taken on Jack Noir--okay, she hadn't quite done that, but she was totally planning on it!--this was nothing in comparison. Earth would not defeat Vriska Serket!

Reaching out, Vriska turned the dial with a forceful, deciding twist. "Permanent Press...Heavy!"

This machine would need all the help it could get.

With one final pull, the dial popped out and the sound of rushing water could be heard from beneath the metal lid. Vriska smirked, crossing her arms.

Laundry never had a chance.
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