And some yiddish words for your amusement, cuz i love em:
alter kocker - old shitter
bubbe - grandmother
dreck - excrement/dung
fancy shmancy - yep, it's yiddish! and c'mon, you all know what it means.
hokking me a tshynik - "banging me a teakettle"
hoo-hah - you don't say!
meshugge - wacko
oy gevalt - woe is me!
oy vey - oh no..oh my god
pupik - bellybutton
schlep - oh, you know, to "schlep" something, or for those of you who don't know, to lug or carry laboriously (good to use at the airport when getting luggage from the baggage claim. "ugh, now i have to schlep my suitcase all the way to the car!"
schmatte - a rag, cheap piece of clothing (bubbes wear them)
tuchas - ass