Jan 01, 2011 00:00


Vriska Serket
manipul8r ♦ arachnidsGrip

Vriska types in a special shade of 8lue that matches her 8lood color.
Her typing quirk is quite unique to her; she still uses proper capitalization and grammar. For the most part, at least. Mostly 8ecause the letter 'b' is always replaced with the number '8'!
She also replaces the 'ate' sound in words with the number 8 as well. So wait becomes w8 and date becomes d8!
When she uses smiley faces, they have eight eyes. ::::)
When she's excited, being dramatic, angry, or making a point, she'll use letters or punctuation in sets of 8, or replace random letters with the number as well.
Like thiiiiiiiis, 8osh!!!!!!!!

application | hmd

And this is where you come in. Your options are:

NO QUIRK: You will just get normal text responses, but your character will still see the quirk. I just won't use it for you, since I know it can be really annoying!
NO COLOR: The weird typing can still be used, but no colored font. The text will still be viewable by your character in color with the quirk.
COLOR ONLY: Only the color but none of the quirk. Again, the character will still see the quirk in the text but you won't!
NO TEXT: No text function at all. Just audio or video responses.
NO EXEMPTION: I can spam you to my hearts content with her hideous font and typing and you won't hate me for it. ♥

Please let me know what works best for you. I am here to adapt to your needs as a player, as I know how bothersome troll text can be. So please don't be scared to ask me for anything above or an alternative or if you'd not like to deal with Vriska at all. :)


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