Iconable/wallpaperable/etc, but credit is a must!
I should not be allowed to listen to the Rent soundtrack at 4AM. This happens! Claire is a HIV-positive junkie, Peter is a HIV-positive ex-junkie/musician, D. L. is the evil scum bag who wants to evict everyone because he's a daddy-in-law's boy, Simone and Niki are lesbians, Matt is a cameraman, Mohinder is the homeless school teacher who love with Nathan, the drumming cross dresser!
And for my second manip, I re-did an old one. Claire sitting in Peter's lap.
Worksafty?: Nothing very naughty is going on, but in the second one, a girl is sitting on a guy's lap, so I'll just mark it not worksafe just to be cautious.
I need your help to make my neighbor's yappy dog disappear.