And all he left was this silver bullet

Nov 08, 2007 09:13

I'm back, well i never really went away, just honed my lurking skills, Though i do regret the gross neglect of my beloved journal.
Too much to say, just had a lot of things happening but not much i could post about. Lucy's loving prep, though it;s almost over, then i think we're going out to the farm for a few weeks, or so she told me. My sister had a little girl three weeks ago, so i get to be proud uncle ash, and Lucy's decided she's going to live with rach so she can be a big sister.
Still trying to buy a house, but there's some big gaps in quality down here, or it could just be my jaded eyes. though there was one house that was shocking, I'd been called in to replace the plasterboard walls in parts of this house about 6 months ago, as the roof had a slow leak, which let water in, and termites had met it halfway, so the walls wherever the walls weren't sodden, they were termite stained, note he didn't want the damage to the studs or even the leak repaired, he just wanted it all covered up as he was selling. I in no short terms told him about this short pier i knew that was great for long walks. but it appeared on about three months later, so i went for a look, and the walls all looked pretty, but if you crawled under the house it was all chewed away, they wouldn't let me cut into the wall for some reason, but it had and access hatch into the roof, so i got up there pulled the insulation away and you could see the studs were chewed until they looked like matchsticks. thankfully only one support stud was only slightly damaged, but they were asking 580,000 and i offered them 365,000 land value alone. still waiting to hear back from them..
Damn that sounded so much more interesting in my head. anyway i have to head out. but I'll try and post some more later.
Oh yeah if you have face book, i'm on there now just search for ashley rosendahl
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