the beginning..i think

Feb 18, 2004 18:58 first entry. I've been requested to start a live journal, and I know you are all excited to read about my day to day adventures, well not exactly adventures. More like my day to day pitiful as they are. Today, today, today...what happened today, nothing really worth telling you poor souls reading this, but I'm going to inform you anyway. In physical education- and I'm unsure why my school wishes to still call it this when we just sit in the auditorium the whole class- I sprayed some people with my water gun, and I loved there reaction. That shocked "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!" look. :-D Oh, and I was so excited when I saw the first drops of rain. I was prepared too, with my bright orange jacket. I could have just taken it off, but then by hair would've turned into a 'fro. :-D :-D Was talking to my beautiful lesbian lover Julia today and she was making me laugh, like always. She says the most random things ever. I love her. I also had a intriguing conversation with Kyle. Hehe..mmmmm, I guess that's it. I can't really think of anything else worth telling you.

Like any of that was.
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