Ugh Aargh:

Aug 15, 2003 15:03

Your Name: Kirsten Leslie Blaise Crooks
Your Date of Birth: 01/07/87
Your Question or Information:

Ehwaz - Abrupt changes, moving into new home and environment, travel, swift change in situation.Present

Mannaz - Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration, help and aid from others, beginning new projects, especially with others.Future

Othel - Material possessions and protection of those possessions, inheritance (can be genetic traits inherited from elders).
Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

I exercised today, meaning I did Pilates and swam for about 2 hours. When I showered, I realized my hair is green, which hasn't happened since I was maybe 9. Damn this hair of mine and its tendency to hold chlorine! I'm bored, and I realized last night that I like LJ communities better, but all my close friends have DJ's so... Ta~ta!

hair, meme, exercise, personal, random

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