In Jesus name...not ashamed

Feb 26, 2004 14:39

He started out little,
belitlled of little worth.
who'd accept the son of man,
whence he touch down on earth,
surley not the church!
For my sins, he was bruised,
torn like the homeless mans shoes,
souless and abused,
Faithful BEAT faceless,
face it! its you!
its me! our FAULT, he was
crushed so horridly.
I have no greater purpose,
than to rip beneath the surface,
and expose what lies within us all...fastened to our souls
May no man be excerpt,
On my knees gripping dirt,
a king but here...a humble servant...its either,
a mistake or an awful disregaurd,
or a horrid ingratitude for our only beloved God.
Till people figure out that its relation and not religion,
Its to hell in a hand basket, right where you are sittin...

(whispers)Father forgive us...forgive us all
"...Know this only those who follow will be forgiven..."
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