Nov 16, 2007 23:53
1. I've come to realize that my ex... had psychological problems but a great taste in music XD
2. I am listening to... The opening song of Tonari no Totoro (I love it!) ´though that´s coincidence since I have my playlist on shuffle >_>
3. I talk... too loud, too much, too dirty *cough*
4. I love... being outside, alone, looking at a beautiful landscape and taking in a deep breath (which is strange, because usually I prefer not being alone, but this suddenly came to my mind o_O)
5. My best friend(s)... isn´t here with me ;_;
6. ...there is no 6? There has to be a 6! It´s part of my birthdate after all :D
7. I lost... the job to earn the money for Japan >_<
8. I hate it when people... think I am a dumb, naive little girl and try to lecture me >(
9. Love is... like being sick and actually enjoying it XD
10. Marriage is... something I don´t plan on doing in the near future.
11. Somewhere, someone is thinking... about himself (most thoughts are wasted on oneself)
12. I'll always be... childish *sigh*
13. I have a crush on... Araki Hirofumi *blush* (I even dreamed of him kissing me, although I am a ZukkixAraki-worshipper *hides*)... hm and Endou :-)
14. The last time I cried was because... I missed my best friend.
15. My cell phone... isn´t up-to-date but I don´t care and it has a manekineko-sticker on its back ^__^
16. When I wake up in the morning... I wonder how late it is and if my alarmclock woke me up: "5 more minutes are okay."
17. Before I go to sleep at night... I think about many nice and/or stupid things before I start creating letter-chains to be able to sleep Y_Y
18. Right now I am thinking about... when my flatmate will switch the internet off >_<
19. Babies are... scary. Everytime I do something wrong and the little brat starts crying and makes me panic...
20. I get on myspace... Umm, I got there after an invitation by a friend and I wanted to search for a guy I´ve met in Moscow. I found him, we wrote some messages, but I think I´ll leave myspace soon `cause it´s boring.
21. Today I... baked a very yummy cake and did anything BUT writing my diploma thesis.
22. Tonight I will... do something for my diploma thesis.
23. Tomorrow I will... do something for my diploma thesis. Yeeees, and party in the evening ^_~
24. I really want... to finally finish my studies and start my real life >_>
25. The person who most likely to repost this is... I think no one will repost this after so many already did it and my flist is small *nod*
another meme