Fringe (not Gwen's)

Apr 14, 2012 22:45

Oh dear, I have been inactive again for quite a while. I guess it was a combination of disappointment about the latest Torchwood season, the lack of a new Doctor Who season, the fact that Sherlock only has three episodes (haha) and - that's probably the biggest one of them - my absolute frustration at my current workplace.

Work has been so upsetting for me that I even suffered from minor depression and then I was ill with a nasty cough for two months. I was trying to keep it together, trying to keep busy, to be creative. I had even started a creative writing course at the end of last year but I put too much pressure onto myself and instead of enjoying the creative process I tried to plan everything and got more and more upset the more I missed my targets. Seriously, I shouldn't plan everything through, especially not my leisure time activity and especially not when I am trying to be creative. So, yes, very upsetting months all in all.

But apart from that I had some quiet time to watch two shows which have been running for quite a while: Supernatural and Fringe. That's right, I am the absolute late bloomer on these. I have watched Supernatural up until the last third of season 5 and I am an absolute Dean-girl :-D
I have finished watching season 2 of Fringe today and I have to say although the ending is a good one for a season finale, it still wasn't a nice ending. But I guess they had to do that in order to keep the story going. If they had done a happily ever after now, there would have been only enough story to tell left for 1 season max. I thought season 2 was too long, from the 23 episodes about 15 or 17 were relevant or enjoyable. Some of them were really just fillers and I won't even mention episode 11 in which they miraculously resurrected Charlie (such a very dumb thing to do, Doctor Who fans would have gone protesting onto the streets if such a massive continuity error would have happened!)

If there is anyone on my f-list who likes Fringe and who likes reading Fringe fanfiction, could you recommend me some stories, pretty please? Also any good Fringe comms on lj would be highly appreciated. I believe in the power of the friendlist first before searching by myself.

And that's it for now, I might be writing some Fringe fanfiction in the near future but first I have to read some in order to get a feeling for it. And I have been thinking of doing a cute Peter Bishop-drawing :-)

I hope you're all doing well!

fringe, supernatural, work, depression

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