Sep 06, 2005 11:05
ok so yeah it's been quite awhile hasn't it? well not much is happening except everything! i moved out officially on friday. and on the 24th i move into my own apartment with my roomy shanda. i can't fucking wait.
me and my mom are on horrible terms. she's fucking psycho. no, really. what kind of mom would get so mad at me because i took my brother over to shandas to watch a movie and didnt tell her before i left because i didnt even know until i was at the video store and would get so pissed off at me enough to lift up the kitchen chair and tell me she's gna hit me with it. i mean honestly. if that isn't psychotic behavior then i dont know what is. can we say "anger management?"
so now im not even allowed to hang out with my own brothers. correction : her sons.
but anyway in other news, i miss the hell out of all mah peeps on this shizzle. there isn't many....ok like 4 to be exact, but hey, i still miss you guys. you know who you are. im trying to get a comp as soon as i can. hopefully by next month maybe? hang in there guys. dont fall apart on me yet k? :P
i visited rosie in oceanside on saturday after work and again yesterday. or sunday. came back monday for work. i had so much fun. im so glad i made the drive because the entire time i was debating driving to and from by myself. you know? but it wasn't as bad as i thought. which is why i made the second trip. sol stayed over there the entire weekend. left on saturday and stayed until monday evening. LUCKY. but anyway it was nice. i forgot how much fun i have when we're all together. WE'RE CRAZY YO!
anyway i hope everything is good with you guys.
in the words of kip...."peace out"
ps. why in gods name does my mood icon look like it's on crack?