shame on you for getting wet. now who will dry your eyes?

Jul 21, 2005 03:11

ok so yesterday i went to the movies. errr wait, that would be tuesday. yeah. i watched fantastic four with wil and mary k from work and her bf sal. the movie was sweet ass. didn't have much of a plot or anything. but those movies never really do, now do they? the graphics were sweet ass candy though. charlie's chocolate factory is next on the list. along with war of the worlds. although i havent been hearing good things about that movie. especially it's ending? but i'll just have to see it for myself. we'll see how that goes. i should be watching one of the two on friday with francis. his accent rox. oooh i wanna see wedding crashers too. and the skeleton key.

man oh man summer is sweet. too fucking hot though. but in the theatre it's niiiiice. reeeaaal niiiiiice.

then friday night i'm supposed to go to mandarin gardens because a coworker of mine is moving to a different department. kind of like a going away party. awwww linda's so cool. she's like a mom to me. sniffle.

did i mention how bloody hot it is?

ps. ezza says y'all!! ah ha!

pss. i'm in love with the new hot hot heat cd. mmMMmmMMMmmm
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