Feb 21, 2009 13:41
Came home, 1230am because I had to get gasoline after work and almost got lost in the nether-regions of Miami. I don't rightly know *where* I was, but it was no-where good. Lights and sirens every new block I turned down, looking for the on-ramp. Found it at 38th Street.
Watched Grey's Anatomy off the DVR (poor Derek lost it. :( Izzy's gonna lose it, again; frankly I'm kinda tired of Izzy drama) and fell asleep on the couch. It was just cool enough last night that I didn't want to go get in the cold sheets of my bed so I kept waking up on the couch to different infomercials. [Poison to the sleeping brain, but I couldn't find the remote to turn the infernal box off.] The debt reduction one by self proclaimed expert on everything, somebody Trudeau. $29.95 for a damn book, I can see whose debts are getting reduced! Then later I woke up to a Taskmaster infomercial, 'the one tool no professional or DIYer should be without'. I don't do much of any DIY but I almost thought I needed one, even in a sleep state. Went to bed officially at 0530 and got up at (gasp) 11:30!
Anyway. I put the tv back on this morning before I got on the internet and it was on some bowel cleansing infomercial, .. okay that is ENOUGH! Once they started talking about "checking the stools for changes" -- that's enough to get me to cross the room and turn the idiot box off.
Amazing how much information you can retain hearing it while sleeping. Or disturbing, if the channels is on infomercials.