okay, TV talk. Cut for potential spoilery stuff

Dec 15, 2008 16:07

We gotta play catch up on a couple of things. Dexter, Californication, Biggest Loser and The L Word. Don't click the cut unless you are SURE :)

Last night was the season finale of Dexter and Californication. Um, satisfactory. No real big cliffhangers. I don't think this season's big Dexter rival had me on edge as much as in prior seasons. Or maybe after brother Bryan, Lila, Agent Lundy, and Doakes, we've just decided that Dexter is infallable?

I am really looking forward to the Biggest Loser finale tomorrow night (even though it will be DVRed). I kinda got involved this season. I'll be pulling mainly for Michelle and Amy. And I voted for Ed last week, just to be a turkey.

Now, something else yet to come. What's up with the advertisements for the final season of The L Word? (which begins January 18) Last night, after Dexter, they weren't even hinting... they were all out SAYIN, that Jenny Schecter was murdered. So, um, When when when, uh when did Jenny get offed? Or was that not part of Season 5? Just all of a sudden they are saying ... tune in January 18 and figure out who killed Jenny? (you mean she got killed and I didn't get to enjoy it?) Looks like I missed alot of season 5.

image Click to view

I just have to say, after seeing this youtube, ewwww, the actress from Showgirls?? *bllleeehhh*

Official Showtime blurby: http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1304999811/bclid1906868664/bctid4021337001


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