DVD's, Law of Attraction, Affirmations

Jan 20, 2008 13:57

Wow. I'm in such a learning curve these past few days.

I went on a rip and had ordered "The Secret Behind the Secret", and "You Can Heal Your Life" from Amazon. I just received the latter movie last night and spent a good many hours digesting that.

The coolest thing on that DVD is that there is a bonus section with an 'affirmation toolkit' on it. I had written down the affirmations that they repeat in that section for wellness, relationships, self, prosperity, and work. But each section, you can just let the affirmations and music repeat and repeat and repeat.

Then on the extended version of "You Can Heal Your Life", there is additional footage on another DVD from Wayne Dyer, the Hicks, Christiane Northrup, Gregg Braden ♥ and Louise Hay herself. I fell asleep listening to the Hicks, I think. I kinda think falling asleep to affirmations repeating wouldn't be such a bad thing, either.

One my favorites is: I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.

A friend who is new to the Law of Attraction asked me to explain it to someone else. I found it difficult to put into words .. it was so much easier to just send her a link to The Secret or an Abraham film! But I did look it up on wiki.

Wiki says "The phrase Law of Attraction has been used by many esoteric writers, although the actual definition varies greatly. Most authors associate the Law of Attraction with a theory that "like attracts like", usually as applied to the mental life of human beings: that individuals experience physical and mental manifestations corresponding to their predominant thoughts, feelings, words, and actions; and that they thereby have the ability to control the reality of their lives through thought alone. The principle is based on the concept that a person's thoughts (conscious and unconscious), emotions, beliefs and actions attract corresponding positive or negative experiences. This process has been described as "harmonious vibrations of the law of attraction",[1] or "you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your experience."[2]

I don't believe there is anything in that definition that has diddly to do with organized religion, but the fact that these concepts are taught in New Thought churches, The Church of Religous Science, or any church at all, will pull some people up short. Fortunately, it's not my job to recruit everyone. I officially gave up my rescuer role *wink* a while back.

Saying the Law of Attraction has anything to do with religion .. is like saying if you talking about the energy of love, it must have something to do with Christianity. Love is such a larger energy, a much broader concept.

Abraham made a point about saying ... Love feels so good when it is coming towards you, such as when another makes us their point of attention. But when that attention is removed, and it is focused elsewhere, that can feel very much like you are a puppet and the strings have been cut. However, when you are flowing love to another, you are flowing that energy of love through you, you feel such pure positive energy that you become more self-sustaining. You can feel that love, benefit from that pure positive energy, anytime you choose.

hay house, louise hay, law of attraction, abraham

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