July 8

Jul 08, 2007 10:24

I have a special guardian angel.

Well yes, we all do! Have you ever seen or 'heard' yours? I have sometimes seen differently colored sparks, but not the full on mack daddy angel like some people have seen. *grin*

This is too funny, the synchronicities are poppin' all over the place again. Yesterday, I had three cards from the Dolphin deck: You Are Being Helped, ACCEPT Heaven's Help, and then Pay Attention (to the signs we are sending to you).

Well I just realized yesterday held another one of those "meant to be" things, where the lady had her crystal shop open for about 45 min later than her usual closing time, first time I'd ever been there... I was her last customer of the day. I then went and talked to my Reiki Auntie about being an intern in the Children's Reiki Class which is July 21-22, and she said surprisingly, even though it is late, there is plenty of room for me to volunteer. So she signed me up. Then, on the way home, with my new angel wing selenite in the car, is when the travel company called to ask if I was available for that travel gig, which I am, and that is truly an answer to a prayer in itself. It wasn't till this morning I realized the recruiter on the phone, her name was ANGELA .. hahaha .. sneaky buggers...

There may be a time conflict between this (potentially lucrative) one-week assignment - and the children's reiki class, and being here with my community for the 7-17 firethegrid.org meditation (but I can do my part from anywhere), and even a promise to watch my friend's dog for a week .. but I just have a feeling everything will settle out the way it is supposed to be. It's going to be kinda fun to see how it all works out.

But thank you Dolphins and Angels ... I got the message. In fact I got the same card again today ... ACCEPT Heaven's Help! I accept, I accept, I accept! Thank you!

fire the grid, angels, crystals, synchronicity

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