I've come around in a way to drawing my cards in the evening, usually before leaving the house for a lecture or a meeting or class. I still consider my cards valid for 24 hours but anyhoo...
Last night I had two cards talking about peace and quiet - just before going to drumming circle. I really wondered if I was being warned to stay home or something...lol ((Peaceful)) in the Saints Deck - and ((Quiet Time)) in the Fairies deck.
There's also two cards I keep getting repeatedly - Let Yourself Receive (Dolphins) and There's Nothing to Worry About (Daily Angel Cards). Let Yourself Receive has a little girl mermaid having her hair braided by an older (perhaps sister) mermaid. It says "Allow Others to Give you Loving Care. Receive without guilt or apologies." When I was considering the reiki master course, I would get this card daily and so I began to think of the older mermaid as my RM. A mentor, in any case. Allow their teaching to flow into me without guilt for receiving it.
I've thought about this "path of learning" alot lately. It seems like sometimes we compare our journey to other's paths. What seems like steady, plodding progress to me, might look like total flight to another, .. and another's progress may seem lightning speed to me, and feel slow slow slow for years with a sudden growth spurt... to them. When it's really not important what your friend or neighbor or fellow student is doing, they have their own speed and their own beautiful journey to travel. When I take time to look back over the vista of my travels, and then on up the mountain to my next resting spot, I appreciate the beauty of the whole thing; and realize it will never be "over", we will just change form. But the path each of us chooses is very individual. Hopefully we all learn to choose our path consciously.
However. I really really really appreciate how my fellow travelers share of themselves and their learnings. I get so much out of this little LJ world and what others share with me - whether it's cards, or griping, or pictures, gratitudes, or jokes, or meditations, sorrows, prayers, horoscopes, fairy stories, aromatherapy, numerology, .. it's ALL GOOD! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing of yourself. I love it.
Anyway. The other cards were Goddess - Maeve - Honor the cycles and rhythms and emotions of your body - that made perfect sense since I was going to drumming and women's dumming is about moon time and all that rhythm stuff .. lol ... the Hicks-Abraham card was "Why are they not getting what they are asking for?" [the back says "If people are not receiving what they are asking for, it can only be that the persons holding the desire are out of alignment with their own requests. These is no shortage. There is no lack. There is no competition for resources. There is only the allowing or the disallowing of that which one is asking for."] and the last card from Trust Your Vibes (eek) was CLEAR THE PATH which again, reflects on something I have heard about 4 times this week... hrmm... about decluttering and how it frees up energy and the feng shui thing... yes yes yes I hear you Spirit. Thank you.
So I'm adding it to my Daily Wheel. I have twenty minutes each of meditation, writing and outdoor exercise, and now I am publicly announcing, I am adding 20 min of decluttering each day. The cool thing about this is, once you start the simple little 20 minutes, it usually lengthens into more. Sometimes it's still just 20 minutes, but anyhoo, it's working for me in balancing the other three areas, so here we go.
Now where is that garbage can... *grin*