Jul 16, 2010 03:13
- 00:00:09: RT @JoyBing: “You wouldn't desire something if you didn't have the talent to carry it out.” by Napoleon Hill
- 00:01:25: RT @ShoutMGB: @ grapechick @SpiritualNurse @CarePathways @DrJeffersnBoggs @JavaJoeMyspace @ShipsofSong ▇★▇SUPERSTARS✪2✪FOLLOW✪▇★▇
- 00:03:43: "YouTube - Billy Joel - Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)" ( http://bit.ly/cRpMqU )
- 08:12:00: "Choose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time." ~Richard Carlson
- 09:47:47: I highly recommend trying this guy out --> Michael Mohoric - Free Distance Healing Session this Sunday http://conta.cc/9PF1dY
- 10:19:18: "A lot of people attack the sea, I make love to it." ~ Jacques Yves Cousteau
- 10:21:56: "The whole universe spreads out in front of you. And anything is possible in this very moment." - via @RalphMarston
- 10:26:03: "Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life." Sanaya Roman (Orin)
- 10:34:19: RT @AngelaMcCullagh: Thank you Rts, mentions & PLS check out @ SpiritualNurse @joye2911 @dakeek @marto873
- 10:59:48: RT @cherrygarcia: RT @BetterRecipes: "Peace, Love and Ice Cream" A tour of the Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. headquarters in Vermont! h ...
- 11:01:20: Yeeess --> rt @ grapechick "The first sip of coffee is amazing, and the smell.... delightful." #Gratitude
- 11:02:19: RT @LightBeamWisdom: The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson #LOA #QUOTE
- 11:05:42: "OWN The Oprah Winfrey Network Unveils Original Programming" - http://bit.ly/9Z2xLP (How cool it begins Jan 1, 2011! That's #1111)
- 11:16:48: "JUMP!! There will always be angel wings to catch you." ~ #Theo ✰♡*•˛❤˛•*♡✰ Via @ lovepeaceunity ♥
- 11:18:10: "This stammer got me a home in Beverly Hills, and I'm not about to screw with it now." - Bob Newhart #quote
- 11:33:34: More #InspiringMusic ♥ Andrea Bocelli ♥ "Sogno" ♫ http://ht.ly/2bWmn ♫ (youtube)
- 11:36:56: "A good programmer looks both ways before crossing a one-way street." :-) via @ elijahmanor @padolsey
- 12:25:07: "There are no lost opportunities in Divine Mind, as one door shuts another door is opened." - Florence Scovel Shinn
- 12:46:23: @ eliza_57 Lost In Translation??
- 12:53:51: Argh - got behind with updating my "follows" - so right now I have a machine helping me. Thanks for your patience with automation! Luv ya..
- 12:55:21: "Honor your challenges, for those spaces that you label as dark are actually there to bring you more light, to strengthen you." Sanaya Roman
- 13:25:44: "Seek joy first and foremost. Seek reasons to laugh. Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy." - #Abraham
- 13:27:01: I intend to check out this new tv program tonight :-) "Mary Knows Best | Syfy" http://bit.ly/dffm73
- 13:42:02: @ gassho congrats on your success!! *joins you in happy dance*
- 14:06:10: @ FightMeOffline You're correct. None of us are Always in the light, All the Time. Finding Balance can be a huge challenge. Bless You..
- 14:07:58: @ BetterRecipes Peace, Love and Ice Cream! ツ
- 14:46:10: "One immediate reward of embracing your intuition is that it's infinitely more clever & humorous than your ego will ever be." S. Choquette
- 15:08:12: "The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy you feel."~ #Abraham
- 15:09:05: @ wildandivine woo hoo! Thankies! ツ
- 15:09:24: RT @MindFortune: "Insults should be written in sand, compliments should be written in stone." Arab Proverb
- 15:41:41: "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." ~ Bob Marley #quote
- 15:43:25: ♫ "Basia - It's Gonna Be a New Day for You ..." ♫ http://ht.ly/2c5kh ♫
- 16:50:08: "We need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, & then be willing to follow that guidance directly & fearlessly." Shakti Gawain
- 16:54:29: LOL --->> *bbbrrrrinng** RT @ lovepeaceunity Awakening ➠ http://vimeo.com/10692331 via the phenominal human alarm clock ☺@SpiritualNurse ♥
- 16:58:02: @ SLICKSLIDESAM it is time ... http://www.power96.com/streamer/index.php
- 17:02:26: RT @DivineGlimpse: @ Carlolight @SpiritualNurse @EncourageGuru @ShareTrueLove @allowhappiness @ShamanDurek .•*" ❤ "*•.¸¸. •*" ❤ "*•.¸¸. ...
- 17:12:50: @ lovepeaceunity So far my favorite part of that movie is the @JimCarrey bit ♥ http://ht.ly/2c7Zx
- 17:55:28: RT @gassho: Reiki One-Liner: Reiki reminds you to settle in the belly (hara) when the mind overthinks.
- 18:09:08: "Giving opens the way for receiving." - Florence Scovel Shinn #quote
- 18:49:08: RT @Christine_Sch: When trying to obtain perfection, we miss most of the joyous ride we are on. Enjoy the beauty of being imperfect! ♥
- 19:16:01: RT @Conduru: Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return.- Peace Pilgrim. ˚*•.✰¸❤¸✰.•*"
- 19:17:16: RT @ShipsofSong: It is a difficult “pill to take” for humanity to accept that everything in your reality is brought into your reality by ...
- 19:54:52: "The Dolphins’ Messages about the Law of Attraction > Doreen Virtue" ♥ http://bit.ly/buMScd ♥ #LOA
- 19:56:12: RT @TheSavalots: RT @DunkinDonuts: I need to wash down my donut w/ a Strawberry-Watermelon Coolatta. Mix needs a name. Best idea gets $6 ...
- 20:04:56: "The Tao of Fatherhood - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Heal Your Life" http://bit.ly/c7tVJz #WayneDyer
- 20:22:47: "Unbelievable Chicken is most searched grill recipe" *nom * http://bit.ly/cGpg1g via #SunSentinel
- 20:45:33: ♥ The Prayer of St. Francis - Sung by Sarah MacLachlan ♥ http://ht.ly/2ccb8 ♫ ♫
- 21:06:31: RT @SunSentinel: BP is reporting that the oil leak in the Gulf has stopped http://bit.ly/aG8lIU
- 21:49:53: I am loving this show >> Mary Knows Best (Radio Psychic) on @SyFy
- 21:50:48: RT @Awannabeangel: Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it destination full of hop ...
- 22:43:28: RT @DavidRoads: Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest. -Sri C ...
- 22:45:46: @ JamminjanB Yeah I think it is pretty amazing ! *optimistic*
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