Red spruce, mayflower, unicorns on the crest but no fucking bird?

Mar 30, 2016 13:58

Some Nova Scotia Trivia fer ya by' jeez.....

-The last convicted criminal that was hanged in Nova Scotia happened in 1933.
-In the 1960’s, Anne Murray often performed on the show, Sing-a-long Jubilee, a Halifax produced television program.
-Not native to Nova Scotia, pheasants were introduced into the province from England.
-In 1784, Nova Scotia was subdivided into three parts. They were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Cape Breton.
-The official tree of Nova Scotia is the Red Spruce.
-The Mayflower is the official flower of Nova Scotia.
-Farewell to Nova Scotia is the official song of Nova Scotia.
-Nova Scotia does not have an official bird. It is the only province without one.
-William Roue designed the schooner Bluenose.
-For decades, Spruce Gum, a natural product of the forest of Nova Scotia was sold internationally as a chewing gum.
-The CBC show Don Messer Jubilee, started out with “Got my dancing boots on, got my Sunday best…
-The self help movement, Cooperatives, now active worldwide started out in Nova Scotia.
-In 1923 traffic on Nova Scotian roads switch from driving on the left to the right hand side of the road.
-The Doers & Dreamers is the name of Nova Scotia’s tourist guide.
-The Bluenose II is called Nova Scotia’s sailing ambassador.
-The mythical creature, the Unicorn appears on the Nova Scotia crest.
-No point in Nova Scotia is more than 56 km from salt water.
-Nova Scotia farmers considered the unlikely combination of molasses, oat meal and water a refreshing drink at haying time.
-Nova Scotia boast nine degree-granting institutions.
-Bessy Murray was the person who created the world famous Nova Scotia Tartan.
-The first railway to begin operations in Nova Scotia was in 1838.
-In 1774 the circuits of the Supreme Court were established. The law then passed that required the Judge to set in Cumberland, Horton and Annapolis five days of each session.
-In 1828 stages were carrying the mail were running three times a week from Halifax to Annapolis Royal.
-In September, 1918 a widespread influenza pandemic hit Nova Scotia. It was spread by travellers - soldiers, sailors and fishermen. Within 6 months 20,000 were ill and 2,000 were dead.
-In 1760 - 63 there were 5000 New England Planters from the New England States to settle in Nova Scotia.
-Canada's oldest Highland Games was played in Antigonish, Nova Scotia
-For many years the large, slow moving rodent, porcupines were a protected species in Nova Scotia.
-Nova Scotia has the largest black population in Canada.
-There is Nova Scotia soil kept in Edinburgh Castle in Scotland.
-The Blue cross on the Nova Scotian flag is a symbol of Scotland's patron saint, Saint Andrew.
-In 1783 there were approximately 3,000 Black Loyalist move to Nova Scotia
-Decimal currency was adopted in Nova Scotia in 1860.

next time....some Nova Scotian slang...oooh fun stuff!!
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