We are the World~

Jul 19, 2009 22:35

We are the Children~
we are the ones who can make it a better place, so let's start livin'~

Sorry, it's stuck in my head thanks to APHell.

Anyway! Updating would be a good idea~

Well, life's been pretty interesting for me lately. Went to Expo a while back and that was rather...crazy XD
It had more fail than win, but I still kind of had a good time.
I haven't been to Ballet in a while because I'm too poor right now to buy another class card. Which makes me sad because I'd love to go back to class. I hate being lazy D:

My car is out of commission.
It stalled and over heated on me the other day and apparently lots of stuff went wrong D:
Like, a very important belt broke.
IDK, my poor car is such a bloody jalopy that it's probably at the point of no return...
I hope it'll be alright...

but at anyrate!
I'm excited for Saboten in October! My friends and I are planning on a fun skit and then I'm also having a shared AA table with my friend Chrystal~
I'm really pumped for this con :3

I also have to change my certificate degree to an associates so that way my dad can be happy~
He wants me to get a degree so I can fall back on something if my fashion/Costume degree doesn't work out XD
oh padre~

I also need to sell things and get a flippin' job.
I'm thinking of selling a few of my lolita dresses, because I'm tired of them. I wouldn't mind some newer ones though, but getting rid of the other ones would be best.
I'm thinking of selling a few AP jsks and possibly some accessories~

then I need to get those manga that I don't want sold too.

but yeah, my life is pretty crazy right now, but that's alright because at least it's interesting XD

Ciao for now!
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