Hola desu~

Jun 09, 2009 23:19


Well! Ballet has been extra super awesome~

I took the beginner class on Saturday and it wasn't to bad. After practice that day I had gone to PepBoys for Vinyl/Fabric spray for Zidane's boots and oil for my car~

I had sprayed the boots and it works pretty decently! But since they're used boots and not brand new, the creases, when I moved them slightly, cracked, but not too badly.
(I had added another coating to the creases this past Sunday, but to no avail. At least/I hope that it won't be too noticeable OTL)

Then hung out with Chrystal and Giovanni for some Gojyo item hunting.
Sadly, the thrift stores and the Kmart on Bell had nothing D:

Sunday I loafed around and worked on kasupurei~

Monday (yesterday), I had gone to the Introductory class! It was pretty nice having some steps I had been doing being broken down to a better understanding.
It was pretty good~
Then I had adventured afterward to Walmart to see if I could get some shoe polish for the boots (to give them a protective coating or SOMETHING.
They had this neat stuff called, "Mink Oil" which made me laugh, because my cat's name is Mink and thinking about squishing her tail, oil comes out XD
but then there are grosser ways of getting oil from an animal D:
(I heard that fish oil is obtained by flattening it so much that it turns into an oil *shudder* )

ANYWAY, after getting the oil, I wondered over to the toy section out of boredom.
At the moment, they have some really cute toys for girls, which is saying something, because for the longest time, they had like...nothing.
SO! They have these really cute little Pocket Petite Barbie toys~
I want Cherry Ice Cream XD
What was also hilarious was the 'Ken as SPOCK' doll.
and he looks 15 :/
yeah....If you get a chance to go to Walmart, take a gander at him and you'll see the amazing Fail XD
But what I think is cool, is that for the 50th anniversary for Barbie, they have several different dolls out!
They have the original, but her eyelashes are these funny looking bumps, a 1971 doll (she looks like a Ganguro), and the Barbie I'm familier with, the 1977 Barbie (I noticed that in the early 90s, they hadn't changed Barbie's look, till about 1994 when her eyes are body went through a bunch of different new methods and marketings)

and several Fast food joints now have sweet iced tea /eeyeayuh~

And man, all day today, all the classes finally got to me XD
my calves and my back were being a pain >:o
I then went to class (beg/Int) and I could keep up a LOT better! (yay~!)
I'm learning a lot and it's so much fun~~
and I finally caved in and went to wally world after class again and bought some Espom Salt and took a nice hot bath~

I also bought some belts for cosplay and some chocolate for me and my mommy :3

so yeah~
Hopefully I get everything done in time!
I got Goofy's pants done today, so that's getting me places for sure!

anywho, see you next time!
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