Yes, it's true. Last night I got sucked into signing up for a Tumblr account. *shrug* I'm easy like that (and no bad innuendo jokes ;).
So far I like it and don't have any complaints...other than the occasional unavailable page, but that's no biggie, really.
In other news, Physics still sucks and my mother is totally on my case about finding a job. Yes I know I need one, but it's still annoying when she suddenly brings it up in a previously unrelated conversation. And then there's the fact that people keep telling me that most of the time you need connections to get a first job...FML. That disheartening thought and the fact that I am unbelieveably and unexpectedly unmotivated this year have combined to make it incredibly hard for me to go out and look for a job. *sigh* Lack of motivation sucks...bigtime.
On to cheerier topics...
Castle on Monday was absolutely brilliant!! There were so many things that I absolutely loved about it...
1)The Case: Recently I have found myself to be a great fan of things related to Prohibition and the surrounding era. I love the gangsters, the secret tunnels, the secret bars, the secret...secrets (yeah, I ran out of ideas...) Heck, I just love it in general. Also, I was totally not expecting who the killer was (I will refrain from saying who for the sake of anyone who may not have seen it yet...your welcome ;).
2)The Humour: Ah, sweet sweet Castle humour. I've missed it these last couple of weeks without new episodes and even Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind and Murder Most Fowl, though they did have some really funny bits ("Are those hickeys?" "Yes." "No." "I wish." XD), were not as funny as this episode and Almost Famous. One of the funniest bits was probably Castle's (and my dad's) face when that internet millionaire kid said he had mixed the priceless scotch with Root Beer (blegh :P).
3)The Partners: For once there was a pretty even split of screen time between Castle&Beckett and Ryan&Esposito. We even got to see Ryan and Esposito interogate a suspect! And when the four of them confronted the dockworker Castle and Beckett were like "*sigh* Why do they always run?" while Ryan and Esposito were totally badass ("Don't move" *guy runs, Espo clotheslines* "Man said don't move") and it was EPIC! :D Besides their total badassery, I was particulairly happy with how much screentime they got because the more they're on screen the more potential slashy bits (slash fangirl born and bred...I can't help it :3) which, in turn, translates into more potential fanfics. And with the Holiday Hiatus looming on the horizon (no new Castle for 27 days!! D: aack!) I have a feeling I'm gonna need all the fanfics I can get my grubby little fangirl-hands on!
And finally...
4)The Singing: Holy beautiful voices Batman! I had been on Twitter earlier that day and had seen a tweet from Seamus Dever that said: New #Castle episode tonight! Tell a friend. We even sing in this one. Totally not kidding.
I was instantly excited, but still wary that he might be pulling the fans' legs. But when Castle started singing an ear-to-ear grin broke out on my face and I started to giggle (my parents looked at me like I was what else is new??). I have been humming to The Piano Man practically non-stop since then. On a slashy note...Ryan and Esposito had their arms around each other! And while Ryan's arm may have been around Espo's shoulders...Esposito's arm was around Ryan's waist!! *fangirly squeel* :D
My opinion: Best episode of Castle yet! I am totally gonna buy it for my iPod when it comes out on iTunes (just like I did with Den of I the only one sensing a pattern here ;)